
  • 网络Major diameter;Major dia
  1. 本文介绍了利用CCD图像传感器对异形螺杆的大径值进行测量的原理,论述了采集图像的处理方法和测量系统的构成。

    In the paper , the principle of measurement for the diameter of special rod using CCD imaging sensors is introduced , and the method of image processing and the structure of measurement system are also discussed .

  2. hm-2的林分最低;径级分配状况差异明显,随着林分经营密度的降低,径级分布向大径木的方向偏移;

    There was a great difference in diameter distribution , with the decrease of management density , the diameter inclined to big timber .

  3. 总有髓纤维数目少于Ola鼠(P<0.01),以大径纤维数目减少明显(P<0.01);有髓纤维平均直径也明显小于01a鼠(P<0.01)。

    With the total number of medullated fibers in 6J rats also less than that of Ola rat ( P < 0.01 ), which predominated by obviously reduced big diameter fibers ( P < 0.01 );

  4. 研究结果表明:各组合类型培育小径材、中径材、大径材的平均年限分别为6,7~9a,10~11a以上;

    The main conclusions arc as follows : The average age limits for cultivation on small diameter , middle diameter and large diameter timbers arc 6 , 7 ~ 9 a and more than 10 ~ 11 a respectively for all combination types .

  5. 大径级保留木对连清生长量估计的影响分析

    Effects of Large Diameter-Class Survivors to Estimation of Growth in CFI

  6. 大径厚壁管焊接中射线检验应注意的技术问题

    Knowledge of radiographic inspection of large-diameter and thick-wall pipes during welding

  7. 杉木大径材定向培育的适宜经营密度

    Big-diameter-oriented cultivation techniques of Cunninghamia lanceolata with suitable management density

  8. 螺旋桨旋向对大径深比推船推进性能的影响

    Influence of Propeller 's Turning on Propulsive Performance of Pushboat

  9. 长白山林区天然阔叶林培育大径木高产林分的结构分析

    Stands Structure Analysis for Managing Natural High-yield Broadleaved Forest in Changbaishan Forest Area

  10. 大径长管周向曝光射线遥控装置

    X-ray Remote Device for Circumferential Exposure of Large-Diameter Conduit

  11. 腹腔镜大径线肌壁间子宫肌瘤剔除术的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of laparoscopic myomectomy on large intramural myoma

  12. 垂直管道大径固体颗粒水力提升摩阻损失的研究

    Study on the Friction Loss of Hydraulic Lifting Large Solid Particles in Vertical Pipeline

  13. 大径指过外螺纹牙顶或内螺纹牙底的圆柱面直径。

    The root of the external thread or the crest of the inner thread .

  14. 最终设计完成了一套大径薄壁圆弧件车削专用车床。

    At last , a large diameter thin-wall arc-shaped piece turning lathe was designed .

  15. 非开挖技术在大径燃气管道敷设中的应用

    Trenchless Technology of Large-diameter Gas Pipeline Installation

  16. 毛竹大径材培育技术研究

    Research on Cultivation Technology of Big-diameter Bamboo

  17. 福建中部丘陵山地湿地松大径材培育技术

    Cultivation Technology of Large Pole of Pinus elliottii on Hilly Mountains in Middle Part of Fujian

  18. P91+12Cr1MoV异种钢超厚壁大径管焊接工艺

    Discuss lightly the welding technology of P91 + 12Cr1MoVG on extra-thick wall big diameter pipe dissimilar steel

  19. 而传统使用长材刨片机、消耗大径级原木的技术,则成为历史。

    Traditional way of using direct flakers which leads to consume large diameter logs becomes the history .

  20. 闽北杉木大径材合理经营密度的研究

    Study on the Rational Management Density of the Big Diameter Wood of Cunninghamia lanceolata in North Fujian

  21. 栽培密度与施肥对雷州半岛桉树大径材培育效果的中期研究

    Medium-term Research on Cultivation Effect of Density and Fertilizing to Eucalyptus for Large-diameter Timber in Leizhou Peninsula

  22. 红松人工林大径材培育及种材兼用效果分析

    Analysis on Effect of Large Diameter Wood Cultivating and Exploitation both Seed and Timber for Korean Pine Plantation

  23. 本文就桉树大径材培育技术-间伐控制对桉树林分生长和经济效益进行分析。

    Thinning , one of the breeding technologies of eucalyptus big-diameter wood , and its economic effects were studied .

  24. 杉木大径材密度控制连续状态的动态规划

    A Study on Controlling of Optimal Stand Density for Chinese fir Big Diameter Wood by Using Continuous Dynamic Programming

  25. 大径材的缺乏,已严重制约了我国胶合板等相关工业的持续发展,如何利用我国东南沿海丰富的江河滩地资源营建大面积杨树优质大径材基地?

    Shortage of large timber of Popular has seriously restricted the sustainable development of plywood and its relative industry .

  26. 要想在尽快获得大径级用材,就必须采用比现实林分低得多的密度体系;

    If we hope to get large-sized timber in the young stage , we must adopt a low density system ;

  27. 在火干扰较轻的地点,耐阴性阔叶树种占优势,并有少量大径阶红松;

    In the moderate-disturbed sites , the tolerant hardwood species were dominant , and a small number of large size Korean pines still survived .

  28. 立地土壤可利用的养分空间增大将有利于提高桉树木材生产量和桉树大径材的培育。

    Available nutrient space of the site soil will be larger which helps to improve wood production and cultivate large diameter timber of eucalyptus . 3 .

  29. 研究结果表明:影响杉木中大径材成材的主要限制因子是立地,其次是保留密度和培育年限。

    The results showed that the dominant factor influencing the formation of middle and large dimension wood is site , followed by reserved density and cultivation duration .

  30. 木材生长非常缓慢,因此此种所利用的原木通常只用大径木。淡色边材与深色心材区别相当明显。

    PROPERTIES : Heartwood growing very slowly , so logs of large diameter used only . wood : Clear difference between pale sapwood and black brown heartwood .