
  1. 中国电影集团公司于上周六宣布,《大唐玄奘》已经入围第89届学院奖最佳外语影片候选名单。

    China Film Group Corp. announced last Saturday that " Xuan Zang " has been entered for Best Foreign Language Film at the 89th Academy Awards .

  2. 然而,其近期作品《何以笙萧默》和《大唐玄奘》却反响平平,票房呈扑街之势。《大唐玄奘》年初仅卖得3300万票房。

    However his latest works , My Sunshine and Monk Xuanzang , didn 't strike a chord with moviegoers after both flopped at the box office , with the latter taking just over 33 million yuan from ticket sales earlier this year .

  3. 它讲述了大唐僧人玄奘经历艰难险阻为了获得经文游历到西方也就是现在的印度的一场传奇之�

    It tells the story of the legendary pilgrimage of Tang dynasty Buddhist monk Xuanzang who traveled to the ' Western Regions ' , or India in modern terms , to obtain sacred texts while encountering numerous challenges .