
  • 网络subject;major subject
  1. 主谓谓语句是汉语的一种特殊句型,本文根据大主语的不同,将主谓谓语句分为四种句式:(1)名词+主谓短语;

    The sentence with a subject-predicate phrase as its predicate is a special sentence pattern in Chinese . According to the difference in the subject , This article classifies it into four sentence types : ( 1 ) Noun phrase + subject predicate phrase ;

  2. 主谓谓语句里当大主语、小主语为受事与施事的分别时,是不用被动标志而能表示被动意义的句子格式。

    In a subject + verb + verb sentence , when the major and minor subject are the recipient and agent respectively , it is the sentence pattern of passive voice without the use of typical passive symbols .

  3. 你的房间有我的两倍大。double作主语补语。

    Your room is double the size of my room .

  4. 主语差异与翻译&从十六大报告谈时文报告主语汉译英

    Subject difference and translation & On practical C-E translation of subjects in political document based upon the analysis of C-E versions of 16th party congress report