
  • 网络solid-solid transformation;Solid-State Phase Transformation;Solid Phase Transformation
  1. 电子辐照诱发固态相变导致的氮化硼纳米结构生长

    Boron nitride nanostructures grown through irradiation-induced solid-state phase transformation

  2. 测量了凝固组织特征尺度如一次枝晶间距等,对后续固态相变形成的片层结构取向也进行了分析。

    Characteristic scales of solidification microstructure were measured , such as dendritic spacing . The orientation of lamellar structure was also analyzed formed during the subsequent solid-state phase transformation .

  3. Co基铁磁形状记忆合金的凝固控制和固态相变特征

    Solidification Control and Solid Phase Transformation Characterization of Co-base Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys

  4. 固态相变-热压烧结制备Ti3Al/TiC+Al2O3陶瓷复合材料

    Prepare Ti_3Al / TiC + Al_2O_3 Ceramic Composite by Phase Change in Solid State-Sintering under Hot Press

  5. Ti,Ce和Mg对Zn-Al合金固态相变的影响

    Influence of Individual Addition of Ti , Ce and Mg on Solid State Phase Transformation of Zn-Al Alloys

  6. 研究在Zn-Al合金中分别加入Ti,Ce和Mg等元素,对合金固态相变的影响。

    Influence of individual addition titanium , cerium and magnesium on solid state phase transformation of Zn-Al alloys was studied in the thesis .

  7. Ti-Al混合物粉末在机械合金化过程中的固态相变

    The Solid Phase Transformation of Ti-Al Powder Mixture during Mechanical Alloying

  8. 从二元相图分析,凝固过程经历三个阶段:初晶TiC,二元共晶βTi+TiC和固态相变。

    Analysis of binary phase diagram determined that the solidification path undertook the following three stages : primary TiC , binary eutectic β - Ti + TiC and solid transformation .

  9. 高强度铸造A1-Si-Cu-Mg合金固态相变研究

    The Investigation of Solid-State Phase Transformation of High Strength A1-Si-Cu-Mg Cast Alloy

  10. 并利用X射线衍射(XRD)、透射电镜(TEM)和穆斯堡尔谱(Mossbauer)等测试方法,对材料在MA过程中的固态相变、成分影响、晶粒以及磁性变化进行了研究。

    Through X-ray diffraction ( XRD ), transmission electron microscopy ( TEM ) and Mossbauer spectroscopy , evaluated the transformations in solids , the affect of the element and the changing of the grain and the magnetism . The results show that the MA can accelerate the diffusion in solids .

  11. 一级固态相变中的耗散函数(Ⅰ)

    The Dissipation Function of the First-Order Phase Transformation in Solids (ⅰ)

  12. 固态相变材料的运动对熔化传热的影响

    The Effects of Moving of Solid PCM on Melting Heat Transfer

  13. 化学改性纤维素固态相变材料的热性能研究

    Thermal Properties of Solid Phase Change Materials of Chemical Modified Cellulose

  14. 聚乙二醇-纤维素接枝物固态相变材料的贮热性能

    Thermal properties of polyethylene Glycol-Cellulose grafts solid-solid phase change materials

  15. 从科学技术哲学角度看金属固态相变

    Understanding metal solid state phase by science technic philosophy

  16. 稳恒强磁场在固态相变中应用的研究进展

    Research and Development of Homogeneous High Magnetic Field Applied in Solid Phase Transformation

  17. 磁场对材料固态相变影响的研究进展

    Effects of Magnetic Field on Solid Phase Transformation

  18. 派热克斯玻璃的固态相变区物态方程

    Equation of state for Pyrex glass in the region of solid - solid phase transition

  19. 固态相变的动力学模型

    Kinetic Model of Solid-Solid Phase Transformations

  20. 焊缝成型过程经历了加热熔化、凝固结晶及固态相变等3个重要阶段。

    Weld moulding process experienced three important stages , such as heating melting , solidification and solid phase change .

  21. 钛合金固态相变的归纳与讨论(Ⅳ)&钛合金热处理的归类

    Inductions and Discussions of Solid State Phase Transformation of Titanium Alloy (ⅳ) & Classifications of Heat Treatment of Titanium Alloy

  22. 结果表明,该新型固态相变材料相变焓较大,具有很好的应用价值和发展前途。

    The result shows that the new functional material prepared has great value in use and infinite prospect of development potential .

  23. 金属固态相变被简单区分为切变型、扩散型两类,难免引起质疑甚至混乱。

    Metal solid transformation is simply classified into shear and diffusion type , which would lead to doubt and e-ven confusion .

  24. 研究结果表明,所制备的固态相变材料具有很好的储能效果和热稳定性。

    The results show that the solid phase change materials prepared by our laboratory have good energy storage effect and thermal stability .

  25. 在强磁场的作用下,液态金属流动、晶粒取向、夹杂物的分离以及材料的固态相变都将受到影响。

    In this regard high magnetic field will affect metal fluid , crystal orientation , the segregation of impurities and solid-state transformation .

  26. 建立超声场中固态相变的能量作用模型,并解释实验现象。

    The energy - interaction model of solid phase transformation in an ultrasonic field is established and the experimental phenomenon is explained .

  27. 采用高温金相显微镜研究了含铌冷硬铸铁高温的金相组织,差热分析仪测定了铌对冷硬铸铁固态相变温度的影响。

    The effect of Nb on structure at elevated temperature and phase transformation temperature of chilled cast iron was studied in this paper .

  28. 碳钢相变机制的数学研究&过冷等温时碳钢中相界面共格的固态相变

    A MATHEMATICAL STUDY ON THE PHASE TRANSFORMATION MECHANISM OF CARBON STEEL & Eutectic Solid State Phase Transformation at Phase Boundaries under Overcooling Isothermal Condition

  29. 介绍了激光强化的基础知识,分析了激光固态相变硬化机理,设计并进行了模具及模具材料表面的激光强化实验。

    The mechanism of phase change in solid state by laser harding has been analysed after the presentation of the base of laser harding .

  30. 由于这种差别,不同合金元素原子在固态相变中的特征行为也不同。

    Because of the difference in cohesive energy , the different characteristic behavior of alloy element in solid state phase transition could be distinguished .