• firm;hard;solid
  • firmly;resolutely;originally;in the first place
  • solidify;consolidate;strengthen;defend
  • 结实,牢靠:坚~。稳~。巩~。凝~。加~。

  • 坚定,不变动:~执。~定。~本。

  • 本,原来:~有。~步自封(亦作“故步自封”)。

  • 鄙陋(见识浅少)。

  • 姓。


(结实; 牢固; 坚硬) firm; hard; solid:

  • 坚固


  • 稳固

    firm; stable;

  • 本固枝荣。

    When the root is firm, the branches flourish.


(坚决地; 坚定地) firmly; resolutely:

  • 固请

    firmly invite;

  • 固辞

    resolutely refuse; firmly decline


[书] (本来; 原本) originally; in the first place; as a matter of course:

  • 固当如此。

    It is just as it should be.


[书] (固然) certainly; admittedly; assuredly:

  • 乘车固可, 乘船亦无不可。

    Admittedly we can make the journey by train, but there is no harm in our travelling by boat.


(使坚固) solidify; consolidate; strengthen:

  • 固堤

    strengthen the dyke


[书] (保卫; 防御) defend:

  • 固国不以山溪之险。

    It's not high mountains and deep valleys that best serve to defend a country.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 固乘

    Gu Cheng

  1. 本文设计实现了USB控制器及GPIO控制器IP软核、固核与硬核。

    This paper concentrates on the soft core , firm core and hard core of USB controller and GPIO controller .

  2. 椰棕垫具有固土,保湿,分散水流的作用;

    Coconut fibre mat have the firm soil , keep wet , scatter abort the water current , function ;

  3. 固当如此。

    It is just as it should be .

  4. 固国不以山溪之险。

    It 's not high mountains and deep valleys that best serve to defend a country .

  5. 乘车固可,乘船亦无不可。

    Admittedly we can make the journey by train , but there is no harm in our travelling by boat .

  6. 乘车固可,乘船亦可。

    The journey can be made either by train or boat .

  7. 基础已固。

    The foundation is solid .

  8. 要将Core-Vent种植体植入牙龈组织以下至牙骨后固位。

    The insert of Core-Vent Implant is designed to be submerged under the gum tissue , allowing time for the implant to attach directly to the bone .

  9. V2O5/TiO2界面固溶过程的红外特征

    Infrared characteristics of the formation of v_2o_5 / tio_2 solid solution

  10. 纳米晶Ti(C,N)固溶体粉末的制备及组织结构研究

    A study of preparation and microstructure of nanocrystalline Ti ( C , N ) solid solution powders

  11. 分析认为,0.50%的Sn可以提高Al原子在α(Mg)中的固溶度。

    And 0.50 % Sn addition can increase solid solution degree in Al atom .

  12. 结构的单一固溶体相,其晶胞常数随Mn含量的增加而逐渐减小。

    Structure and the lattice constant reduces with the increase of manganese content .

  13. 低氧处理对果实可溶性固形物,可滴定酸和pH值的影响不大。

    Ultra low O 2 treatment had no significant effect on soluble solids content , pH and titratable acidity .

  14. 研究了固溶时效和快速凝固时效工艺对CuCrZrMg合金的显微组织、硬度和导电率性能的影响。

    The effects of different solution methods on aging properties of Cu-Cr-Zr-Mg Alloy have been studies .

  15. 稀土金属兼具高的固溶强化参数和沉淀强化参数,是强化Au与Au合金的重要合金元素。

    The rare-earths have both parameters of high solid solution strengthening and high precipitation strengthening .

  16. 湿-干法合成超细颗粒PZT固溶体粉料及陶瓷

    Preparation of Super-fine PZT Powder and Ceramic by Wet-dry Method

  17. 共沉淀MgO(10.4mol%)-ZrO2粉体中MgO的固溶度

    Solid-Solubility of MgO in the MgO ( 10.4mol % ) - ZrO_2 Powder Coprecipitated

  18. 结果表明,Al2O3的加入通过固相反应来影响钙基固硫效率,Al2O3对固硫效率的影响并非呈单一性;

    The experimen - tal results show that Al_2O_3 has dual effects on Ca-based desulfurization efficiency through solid state reaction ;

  19. 高分子固载化Lewis酸催化剂催化α-甲基苯乙烯聚合反应及其动力学研究Ⅱ.PS-SnCl4复合物催化剂

    Polymerization of a-Methylstyrene Catalyzed by Polymer Supported Lewis Acid Catalysts ⅱ . Catalyst : PS-SnCl_4

  20. 微量固溶Nb在钢中的作用

    Effect of Micro Nb Soluted in Steel

  21. 结果临床组和实验组结果均显示:同材料窄深型缺损比宽浅型缺损固位好(P<0.05);

    Results The retention in deep and narrow cavity group is better than that in shallow and wide cavity group on the same material condition ( P < 0.05 ) .

  22. 目的探讨普通煤和固硫煤燃烧后烟气中SO2含量降低的程度。

    Objective To compare the differences of SO_2 emitted from burning coal-biomass briquette and raw coal .

  23. 利用该自组装膜通过固/液界面相互作用实现了ZnⅡ和AgⅠ的荧光识别。

    The self-assembled monolayer could recognize Zn ⅱ and Ag ⅰ by fluorescence determination after the interfacial solid / liquid molecular interaction .

  24. 全固源分子束外延生长InP和InGaAsP

    Solid-Source Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of InP and InGaAsP

  25. 文中采用拟谱方法对流场进行直接数值模拟,用Lagrange模型跟踪固粒。

    The spectral method is adopted to solve the Navier-stokes equation and each particle is traced with Lagrange method .

  26. 高Al含量的树枝状α相,Al含量达到47.56%,远远超过了Al在Mg中的平衡固溶极限12.7%。

    Aluminum content of dendritic α - Mg phase reached 47.56mass % , which largely surpassed the the maximum solid solution of aluminum in magnesium : 12.7mass % .

  27. 用反相微乳法法制备掺杂Cu2+的Ce-Zr-O2固溶体,利用X-射线粉末衍射法(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)对其进行了表征。

    Cu-doped Ce-Zr-O_2 solid solution was prepared by inverse microemulsion method . The structure of this sample was characterized by using the XRD and SEM .

  28. 热压烧结TiB2-ZrB2固溶复合陶瓷的结构研究

    Study on the structure of tib_2-zrb_2 composites prepared by hot pressing

  29. 研究了利用X射线图像处理及模式识别方法检测红毛丹内部品质&可食率、可溶性固形物含量。

    The methods of X-lay image processing and pattern recognition were used to test internal quality of rambutan fruit , the edible rate and the content of soluble solids .

  30. 固&固相变储能物质(CnH(2n+1)NH3)2MCl4及其二元体系的研究

    The Research of the Solid-solid Phase Change Material ( C_nH_ ( 2n + 1 )) _2MCl_4 and Its Binary Systems for Energy Storage