
  • 网络Spectral library
  1. 采集药材的近红外光谱建立标准光谱库,使用相似度算法将样品的光谱同光谱库进行比较,并用匹配值评价样品质量;

    The sample spectrum was identified by the comparison with a standard NIR spectral library . Similarity measurement was used as the discriminating parameter .

  2. 本研究根据喀斯特研究区内实测地物反射光谱数据,建立研究区植被和典型地物光谱库。

    In this study , field spectral reflectance measurements were used to establish spectral library of vegetation and other typical land cover in karst regions .

  3. 本文将人工神经网络(ANN)用于有机环境污染物紫外光谱库检索。

    In this paper , the artificial neural network ( ANN ) was applied to the library search of UV spectra of organic environmental pollutants .

  4. 本文使用ELODIE实测恒星光谱库,先对其进行预处理,连续谱归一化以及剔除奇异数据并提取光谱数据的三个主要大气参数。

    This paper uses spectral data of ELODIE spectrum library , which are preprocessed to normalize the continuous spectrum and eliminate the singular data . Then three main atmospheric parameters are extracted from the preprocessed spectral data .

  5. 塑料树脂红外标准光谱库的创建与应用

    Foundation and application of the standard infrared spectrogram Library of plastic resins

  6. 人工神经网络用于有机环境污染物紫外光谱库检索

    Library search of UV spectra of organic environmental pollutants by artificial neural network

  7. 一种基于光谱知识库的TM影像地物识别方法

    A New Algorithm of Object Recognition Based on Spectral Library for TM Images

  8. 红外光谱谱库的建立

    The establishment of the IR spectrum Libraries

  9. 一种光谱线库通过火焰测试累积起来。

    Well , a kind of spectroscopic library of elements was compiled using flame tests .

  10. 即使是在1860年,就已经存在一个强大的元素光谱模式库了。

    There was a pretty extensive library of spectral line patterns of elements even by the 1860s .

  11. 紫外光谱的库检索比红外光谱检索更困难,因为紫外光谱的重叠更为严重。

    Library search for UV spectra is more difficult than that for infrared ( IR ) spectra , because the UV spectra overlap more severely than IR spectra .

  12. 建立了海城河城区段五十年一遇洪水演进模型,得出了行洪水面线,对现状堤防的防洪能力进行了分析。(2)多光谱样本库的建立。

    A fifty year return period numerical model for flooding was established , and from which flood surface level was obtained and the flood control capacity was analyzed . ( 2 ) Construction of Multispectral Image Database .

  13. 我们可以通过将得到的未知元素光谱与光谱库中的光谱进行比较来确定元素。

    So we can figure out the chemical make up of other star by comparing the spectrum pattern it has to pattern of the element in the library .

  14. 航空发动机滑油光谱专家系统知识库建立

    Knowledge base building in the expert system of aircraft engine spectrometric oil analysis

  15. 本文提出了一个可以进行红外光谱解析和谱库检索的计算机程序。

    In this paper a computer interpretation program used for infrared spectral interpretation and library search is presented .

  16. 通过计算莫西沙星有关物质色谱峰的光谱与标准光谱库中光谱的相似系数,对有关物质进行识别。

    The standard spectra of the related substances and their spectral correlative chromatography were developed and used in identification by calculating correlation coefficients .

  17. 方法采用高效液相色谱-二极管阵列检测器(HPLC-DAD),提取各有关物质峰的标准光谱,建立有关物质标准光谱库;

    METHODS The UV spectra of four related substances in moxifloxacin were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection ( HPLC - DAD ) .

  18. 文中讨论了影响矿物、岩石光谱特征的几个因素,并指出了建立光谱库的注意事项。

    The paper discusses the factors affecting the spectral features of mineral and rock , and points out the proceedings that should be paid more attention to when establishing a spectral library .