
  • 网络error factor
  1. GPS报站系统设计及影响误差因素分析

    Design of GPS Report Station System and Analysis of Error Factors

  2. 最后,对可能引起DEM提取的误差因素进行了细致的理论分析。

    Finally , detailed analysis for the error factors , which influence the DEM generation , is done .

  3. 也许我会加入“误差因素”,和delta一起来确定是等腰三角形还是等边三角形。

    Perhaps I will want to add a " fuzz factor " with deltas for determining whether I have an isosceles or equilateral triangle , respectively .

  4. 在综合考虑了所有可能的误差因素之后,提出了一种利用BP神经网络实现图像色度信息向投影温度映射的投影温度测量方法。

    Consideration of BP arithmetic of neural network has good character in function approach , we use it to ameliorate the colorimetric method to calculate the project temperature .

  5. RV减速机运动精度误差因素及高运动精度工艺保证

    The Analysis of Error Factors to Affect Motional Precision of RV Reducer and the Technical Ensurance on the high Accuracy

  6. 该方法直接从GPS接收机输出的定位结果入手,将各种误差因素的影响等效为输出定位结果的总误差,视为有色噪声,建立线性卡尔曼滤波模型对位置和速度信息进行估计。

    On the basis of the thought that the various errors caused by different error sources can be equivalent to the total error of positioning results from the GPS receiver , a linear Kalman filtering model to estimate position and velocities is built .

  7. 研究了影响定位精度的三种重要的误差因素,分别是:基站几何布局、多径误差和NLOS误差。详细地分析了如何利用HDOP来判断基站几何布局的优劣,并对其进行优化。

    Three main error factors are studied , including the geometry profile among the base stations , multi-path error and NLOS error .

  8. 分析高电压介质损耗角数字化测量中谐波及干扰信号等误差因素,探讨零相差FIR滤波器设计,采用傅里叶变换等数字处理方法,使用DSP系统测量介质的损耗角,并给出有关计算结果。

    This article discussed the error factors of the harmonic and interferences in the high voltage fields for digital measuring dielectric loss of insulator , approach methods of zero phase FIR filter and Fourier transform , using digital signal process system , in measurement .

  9. 该文从模拟器设计的角度对到达GPS接收机天线的卫星信号进行了分析,着重讨论了因众多误差因素影响而不易直接利用经验模型确定的几个波形参量的估计问题。

    In this paper , signals arriving the antenna of GPS receiver are analyzed from the point of view of simulator design . Focus is put on the estimation methods of several signal parameters that are difficult to determine directly according to existing experiential models due to various error factors .

  10. 针对CCD星敏感器光学系统存在焦距不准确、CCD平面倾斜和旋转及光学镜头畸变等误差因素,在理想针孔模型的基础上,用几何方法建立了星敏感器模型。

    A star sensor model is established by geometrical method on the basis of an ideal pinhole model in consideration of the error factors such as inaccurate focal length of the optical system of star sensor , plane tilt and rotating of CCD , and optical lens distortion etc.

  11. 注塑机合模力的测量及误差因素分析

    Testing and error analysis of plastic injection molding machine clamp force

  12. 渐开线齿廓加工中基圆半径的原始误差因素分析及消减

    Analysis and Subduction on Original Error Factors of Gear Internal Radius

  13. 锅炉烟尘浓度监测误差因素分析

    The error factor analysis of instantaneous test for boiler soot concentration

  14. 误差因素对微角度传感器性能的影响

    The Influence of Error Factors to a Micro-angle Sensor System

  15. 进行了减小误差因素的相应理论研究。

    Connecting to it , the method to reduce error was researched .

  16. 锥光全息系统测量的误差因素分析及提高测量分辨力的方法

    Research on error factors and improving resolution of conoscopic holography measurement system

  17. FSH-K5型原油含水率监测仪在线运行误差因素分析

    Error Analysing for FSH-K_5 Type Water Content in Crude Monitor

  18. 回波强度测量的误差因素分析及解决方法

    Error Analysis and Correction Methods on Observations of Echo Intensity

  19. 人体照相测量的误差因素分析

    Analysis on the factors influencing the accuracy of human photogrammetry

  20. 全面分析了影响介电测量技术的误差因素。

    The measurement errors of dielectric characters are analyzed completely .

  21. 关于反输计量误差因素分析

    Factor Analysis of the Metering Error for the Inverse Transmission

  22. 石英晶体谐振器频率测量的误差因素分析

    The Analysis of Measurement Error of Quartz Crystal Resonator Frequency

  23. 生化检验中血液标本误差因素的分析及控制

    Analysis and control of error factors of blood samples in biochemistry checkout

  24. 腰轮流量计低压标定高压运行误差因素探讨

    Error Analysis of the Low-Pressure Calibrating and High-pressure Operation for the Rotz Flowmeter

  25. 温度效应造成的半球谐振陀螺振幅和测角误差因素分析

    The Analysis of Amplitude and Angle Measuring Error of HRG Affected by Temperature

  26. 基于正交解调算法的三维轮廓术的误差因素分析

    Error Analysis of 3-D Profilometry Based on Quadrature Demodulation

  27. 用于微调机频率测量系统的误差因素分析

    Analysis of error factors of the crystal frequency measurement system for the final-plating machine

  28. 微机综合测量系统的误差因素分析

    Error Factor Analysis of PC Composite Measuring Systems

  29. 波动方程作为确定性模型很难考虑误差因素的影响,不能完全描述复杂的生产过程。

    As a deterministic model , wave equation does not take error factors into consideration .

  30. 影响条纹图形拼接法测量精度的主要误差因素

    Factors Influencing on Accuracy of 3 D Shape Measurement Using the Fringe Pattern Connection Method