
měi shí chénɡ
  • large establishment where delicious foods of different tastes are served
  1. 没错,因为这里出现了欣欣向荣的美食城。

    Yes , thanks to a thriving food scene .

  2. 这里的美食城也已更新换代。

    Marseille 's food scene has also been updated .

  3. CS-2~超早强减水剂在美食城工程中的应用

    Application of CS-2 ~ # Super Accelerative Water Reducing Admixture in Nice Food City

  4. 适合地段:学校门口、网吧门口、超市、美食城以及一切人流量大的地方都是本小吃车投放的地点。

    Lot suitable for : School entrance door cafes , supermarkets , Food City , and all people everywhere a large flow of cars running in this snack locations .

  5. 阐述“大石桥美食城”规划设计中的构思和设计手法,提出特殊限制条件能够产生特殊的构思手法。

    The article expounds the concept and skills in the planning and design of Dashiqiao dainty snack city , and suggests to use special design according to special limitations .

  6. 市区的永和美食城能容纳500人,菜肴推陈出新,招牌菜有沙棘黄米饭,米饭里有小小的沙棘浆果。

    Across town the 500-seat Yonghe Fine Food City gives a new spin on traditional dishes , with must-tries like golden millet pudding studded with tiny orange sea buckthorn berries .

  7. 一期投资额约18亿元,建成后的美食城里面有风情小镇、乡村旅游、游艇俱乐部、山地迷你高尔夫练习场、攀岩俱乐部等设施。

    The food city will be consisted of a small town , yacht club , mountain mini-golf driving range , rock climbing clubs and other facilities while provide rural tourism service .

  8. 就算你不能亲自去意大利的美食之城一尝心愿,要是至少能在梦中神游一番的话,相信它也一定是一种最具梦幻色彩的就餐体验了。

    If you can 't actually go to Tuscany , at least your mind can travel there , given the proper , fantastical dining experience .

  9. 这是个不太完美的类比:上海和北京的烹饪差异就像纽约和华府一样。纽约作为美食之城来说更加有名,但是华盛顿的竞争力也在持续增强。

    It 's an imperfect analogy , but in a way the culinary contrast between the two mirrors that between New York City and Washington D.C. The former is more famous as a food city , but Washington increasingly offers serious competition - usually just with a little less fanfare .