
  • 网络Liquidation system;Clearing;Clearing system
  1. 另外,本文以时间发展为线索,对近代中国的票据清算制度的发展演变作了较为详细的研究,并对它们所发挥的作用进行了分析。

    In addition this text give a comparatively detailed studying to the development of clearing system of modern China and analysis it 's effects .

  2. 银行界人士担心,实行中央清算制度,将提高企业进行这些对冲的成本,并可能要求企业提供额外的担保品。

    Bankers fear companies would face higher costs for these hedges under centralised clearing and potentially be required to post extra collateral .

  3. 公司清算制度正是解决上述问题的有效途径。

    Corporate liquidation is the right way to resolve these problems .

  4. 这具体表现为:没有建立强制清算制度;

    For example , Compelling liquidation system is not established ;

  5. 公司特别清算制度浅析

    Simple Analysis of Special Clear Accounting System of Corporation

  6. 公司清算制度是法人清算制度的重要组成部分。

    Company liquidation system is an important part of legal person liquidation system .

  7. 试论构建完整的中国企业清算制度体系

    Tentative Study on the Construction of the Complete Liquidation System of Chinese Enterprises

  8. 公司设立制度与公司清算制度同等重要。

    The corporation instituting system and the corporation clear accounting system are equally important .

  9. 公司清算制度的缺陷对于我国公司制度的良性发展是一种不可估量的损失。

    Defects in company liquidation do immeasurable harm to the development of our company system .

  10. 构建我国公司清算制度的框架探讨

    Discussion on Frameworks of Corporate Liquidation System

  11. 相比较我国公司的设立制度而言,作为市场退出制度的公司清算制度就显得过于简单。

    Comparing with the system of company establishment , company liquidation system appears too simple .

  12. 在清算制度与和解制度的关系设计方面,世界上主要存在两种立法例:和解前置主义与和解分离主义。

    There are two legislative patterns on it in the world : reconciliation-preposition doctrine and reconciliation-separation .

  13. 第二节讨论了特别清算制度在我国的立法选择。

    Then discusses the choice we should make to establish our own special liquidation legal system .

  14. 公司非破产清算制度为实现上述目标,是通过规定一系列严密的程序来完成的。本文共分四个部分对公司非破产清算制度进行阐述。

    To achieve these purposes , the system of corporate no-bankruptcy liquidation obeys a strict procedure .

  15. 支付和清算制度委员会

    Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems

  16. 公司非破产清算制度研究

    Studies on Corporate Non-bankruptcy Liquidation

  17. 文章的第四部分是对清算制度的应有价值的期待。

    The fourth part of the article is the liquidation of the system should be valuable expectations .

  18. 摘要现代破产法制度体系由清算制度、和解制度与重整制度共同构成。

    Modern system of bankruptcy law mainly consists of check-count system , reconciliation system and reorganization system .

  19. 特别清算制度研究

    Research of Special Liquidation Regime

  20. 其次是自然人破产的处理过程,内容涉及和解与清算制度。

    Secondly , it discusses the handling of bankruptcy of natural persons , including the compromise and liquidation .

  21. 现行企业法人清算制度除外商投资企业清算制度有清算期限的规定外,其余均无清算期限的规定。

    The present settlement has not made the provisions for settlement limit except the settlement of the foreign investment .

  22. 拉美自由贸协成员国中央银行间多边清算制度条

    Regulations for the System of Multilateral Clearance of Balances between the Central Banks of the Member Countries of LAFTA

  23. 我国私营企业的健康发展需要完善的法律制度。清算制度作为企业退出市场之前的重要制度,对私营企业来说是非常重要的。

    The perfect legal system is important to the development of our private enterprise , so is the liquidation system .

  24. 被吊照公司清算制度的构建&吊销公司企业法人营业执照应与清算制度相结合

    Establishment of the Liquidation Process for Revoked Business License Company & Revoking Business License should Combine with the Liquidation Process

  25. 正是由于我国公司清算制度的过于简单和粗糙,在公司清算实践中,公司债权人等利益相关者往往因之受损。

    The benefit of creditors and stakeholder frequently suffers from our crude and simple company liquidation system in the Practice .

  26. 公司清算制度是公司终止并退出市场的必经程序。

    The liquidation is a necessary step for the company to quit the market , in which the shareholders are very important .

  27. 公司强制清算制度的价值,是指公司强制清算制度对于不同的参照物所体现出的可被利用性。

    The value of the system of compulsory liquidation of the company is that embodied in different frame of reference being used .

  28. 破产清算制度、破产和解制度与破产重整制度构成了现在各国破产法的整个体系。

    Bankruptcy liquidation system , bankruptcy reconciliation system and bankruptcy reorganization system now constitute the States of the entire system of bankruptcy law .

  29. 现代破产法已不是单纯的清算制度或和解制度,而是清算、和解、重整三种制度各尽其职、相互融合。

    Modern bankruptcy law is not the simple liquidation or reconciliation , but including liquidation , reconciliation and reorganization which take effect respectively .

  30. 在这种情况下,只要企业有一线希望我们就要积极的挽救,争取使影响降到最低,破产清算制度与破产和解制度显然做不到这一点。

    Under such circumstances , as long as the enterprise with a glimmer of hope we will have a positive remedy the situation to try to minimize the impact .