
  • 网络Obing;rishon;Kardia
  1. 本文利用有限城上的强初子和计算机构造了K(12168)和K(16808)的完美1-因子分解。

    In the paper , perfect one-factorizations of K_ ( 12168 ) and K_ ( 16808 ) are constructed by applying strong starters to the Galois field and computers .

  2. 《淮南子》是汉初子学到经学转折点上的巨著,对诸子百家作了综合,尤其是集道家思想之大成,其道论历来为学者所称道。

    It assimilates various philosophical thoughts such as Confucianism , Legist thinking , Yin-Yang study , especially the philosophy of Taoism , which is being widely acclaimed by scholars from Han dynasty .

  3. 沙棘优良品种选育研究初报&子代观测试验研究

    Study on Improved Varieties Selection and Descendant Test for Hippophae rhamnoides ── Study on the Descendant Observation Test

  4. 在十月和十一月底月初则有楸子、枸杞、洋李、插枝或移植以求其晚开的蔷薇、蜀葵以及和这些一类的东西。

    In October and the beginning of November come services ; medlars ; bullaces ; roses cut or removed to come late ; hollyhocks ; and such like .