
tè wěi
  • ad-hoc committee
  1. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)亚太区主管大卫•伯顿(DavidBurton)将在下周一出席特委会首次会议。

    David Burton , head of the International Monetary Fund in Asia Pacific , will attend the first meeting next Monday .

  2. 情报特委会(HousePermanentSelectCommitteeonIntelligence)民主党主席西尔韦斯特·雷耶斯发表了一份声明称,他相信CIA“在绝大多数情况下说了真话。”

    The Democratic Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence , Silvestre Reyes , issued a statement saying he believes the CIA has " in the vast majority of matters , told the truth . "

  3. 周三,情报特委会(HousePermanentSelectCommitteeonIntelligence)上公布了民主党给CIA局长里昂·帕内塔(LeonPanetta)写的一封信,由此引发了最新的争议。信中提到了他与委员会召开秘密会议时发表的言论。

    The latest controversy was sparked by a letter released on Wednesday by Democrats on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence to CIA Director Leon Panetta , regarding remarks he made in a closed door

  4. 香港政府昨日指定摩根士丹利亚洲董事长斯蒂芬罗奇(stephenroach)和渣打银行董事长戴维思(mervyndavies)为新成立的特委会成员,以帮助香港应对金融危机。

    The Hong Kong government yesterday named Stephen Roach , Morgan Stanley Asia Chairman , and Mervyn Davies , Standard Chartered chairman , to a newly formed Crisis Group to help the city to tackle the financial crisis .

  5. 特委裁判官负责处理较轻微的案件,例如乱抛垃圾及交通违例事项等。

    Special Magistrates handle minor offences such as littering and traffic contraventions .

  6. 县辅导派特委布来见你。

    County Commissioner pat Webb is here to see you .

  7. 飞往底特委的都是直达班机吗?

    Are the flights to Detroit non stop ?

  8. 特委会成立之际,正值当地股市出现剧烈波动。

    The formation of the group came amid dramatic volatility in the local stock market .

  9. 为无为,则无不治。各县县委之上为湘赣边界特委。

    Above the county committees there is the Special Committee of the Hunan-Kiangsi Border Area .

  10. 特委裁判官可判罚款的上限为五万元,或委任状规定的水平。

    Their sentencing power is limited to a maximum fine of $ 50,000 or as specified in their warrants of appointment .

  11. 特委仍有存在的必要,因为前委有时要随军行动。

    It is necessary to retain the Special Committee because sometimes the Front Committee has to move about with the troops .

  12. 目前,全港有十所裁判法院,一名总裁判官,十名主任裁判官,59名裁判官及十名特委裁判官。

    Besides one Chief Magistrate , there are 10 Principal Magistrates , 59 Magistrates and 10 Special Magistrates sitting in 10 magistracies .

  13. 湘南特委提出的一切工厂归工人的口号,也宣传得很普遍。

    The slogan of " All factories to the workers ", put forward by the Southern Hunan Special Committee , was also given wide publicity .

  14. 现时全港有九所裁判法院,由一名总裁判官领导八名主任裁判官、61名常任裁判官及11名特委裁判官。

    Led by the Chief Magistrate , the team consists of eight Principal Magistrates , 61 Permanent Magistrates and11 Special Magistrates sitting in nine different locations .

  15. 这种失败的形势,因为九月以后特委和军委采取了纠正错误的步骤,而挽救过来了。

    The situation arising from this defeat was salvaged as a result of the corrective measures taken by the Special Committee and the Army Committee of the Party after September .

  16. 龙泉煤矿对4号煤提出了采用放顶煤还是大采高采煤方法合理性的问题,特委托太原理工大学进行采煤方法可行性研究。

    Longquan mine raised the issue of the top coal caving and large mining height which is the better choice , commissioned a feasibility study on mining method of Taiyuan University .

  17. 常任裁判官及特委裁判官可在任何日子行使在香港生效的成文法则所授予的司法管辖权及权力,不论该日是否公众假期。

    Permanent magistrates , and special magistrates may exercise all the jurisdiction and powers conferred on them by any enactment in force in the colony on any day , whether a general holiday or not .