
  • 网络Special diseases;Specific disease
  1. 儿童孤独症是一种特殊病,之所以特殊,是因为它在被发现后的几十年中,人类一直找不到导致该病的病因,找不到有效的治疗方法。

    Childhood autism is a specific disease , mankind haven 't find its cause and effective therapy , different children at different age have different performance .

  2. 大白鼠自身免疫性肾小球肾炎特殊病型

    A special type of auto-immune glomerulonephritis in rats

  3. 结果及结论:加强对慢性病、特殊病的管理,按不同病种、不同诊治手段确立不同的分担比例;

    Results and Conclusion : Strengthen administration of chronic and unusual disease , set different ratio in accordance to disease and diagnosis ;

  4. 为从中医角度统一认识小儿哮喘合并过敏性鼻炎的特殊病机,初步探讨合并病者的协同治疗;

    To study the exclusive pathogenesis of the childhood bronchial asthma with allegic rhinitis ( AR ) at the angle of TCM theory .

  5. 这是继2001年在中国率先集中收押艾滋病犯后,四川监狱系统对特殊病犯管理治疗的又一重大举措。

    This is the second in China in2001 made the first centralized custody of AIDS , the prison system in Sichuan made to special disease management is another important measure of treatment .

  6. PGD适用于特殊遗传病的筛查,如囊性纤维化和神经节苷脂病,而且PGD也可以用于性别选择。

    PGD is good for screening for specific genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis and Tay-Sachs disease , and also can be used to select gender .

  7. 运用细胞和分子细胞遗传学技术对5例特殊染色体病患者的诊断和产前诊断

    Diagnosis and Prenatal Diagnosis of 5 Patients with Particular Chromosomal Abnormalities by Cellular and Molecular Cytogenetic Techniques

  8. 对孕期特殊皮肤病的回顾与再分类:505例孕期患者的两中心回顾性研究

    The specific dermatoses of pregnancy revisited and reclassified : Results of a retrospective two - center study on 505 pregnant patients

  9. 一个能够对特殊的传染病免疫的人。

    A person who is immune to a particular infection .

  10. 有些学生似乎有这种特殊的传染病,他们在某种程度上逐渐地控制了其他学生。

    Some students seem to have this peculiar infection and they somehow gradually dominate the others .

  11. 这种危险不是来自“恶魔”都能应付自如的其它猛兽和捕猎者,而是来自一种特殊的传染病。

    It 's not an issue of predators or hunters the devil can handle them but of a peculiar , transmissible disease .

  12. 牙周病可由特殊的牙周病医师来治疗。

    Gum disease can be treated by a special dentist called a periodontist .

  13. 浙江省2005年特殊地区碘缺乏病监测结果分析

    Analysis on Result of Iodine Deficiency Disorders ( IDD ) Surveillance in Three Regions of Zhejiang Province in 2005

  14. 对大学生这一特殊群体的常见病、多发病:智齿阻生、智齿冠周炎提出了包括急性炎症期拔牙等独特的防治对策。

    The paper advance such preventive measures as removal of teeth during acute inflammation period against common dental disseases among college students age group like difficult wisdom teeth cutting and periodontitis .