
  • 网络chronic cadmium poisoning
  1. 但到目前为止,慢性镉中毒尚无有效的治疗方法。

    But so far , no effective therapy for chronic cadmium poisoning .

  2. 大鼠DNA氧化损伤及抗氧化酶活力变化与慢性镉中毒

    DNA oxidizing damage and activity of antioxidative enzymes in rats with chronic cadmium poisoning

  3. 目的观察甘草甜素(GL)和齐墩果酸(OA)对大鼠亚慢性镉中毒性肾损害组织病理形态的影响。

    Objective To observe effects of glycyrrhizin and oleanolic acid on renal histopathological changes induced by subchronic cadmium exposure in rats .

  4. 慢性镉中毒对小白鼠肾脏的损害

    Chronic Cadmium Intoxication Induced Injury on the Kidney of the Mice

  5. 慢性镉中毒对小白鼠肝脏损害的观察

    Chronic Cadmium Toxication Induced Injury on the Liver of the Mice

  6. 慢性镉中毒肾小管上皮细胞凋亡形态学研究

    Morphological Study on Apoptotic Cells of Renal Proximal Tubules Exposed Cadmium Chronically

  7. 慢性镉中毒小鼠肾脏的超微结构观察

    The ultrastructural observations in the kidneys of chronic cadmium toxication

  8. 慢性镉中毒小鼠胰腺光镜下结构的观察

    A Study on Histological Structure of Pancreas of Mice Chronically Intoxication with Cadmium

  9. 慢性镉中毒肾功能损伤的研究

    A study of renal functional damages due to chronic cadmium intoxication in rabbits

  10. 慢性镉中毒早期诊断方法的探讨

    Search for Early Diagnostic Methods of Chronic Cadimium Poisoning

  11. 慢性镉中毒小鼠肾小球超微结构观察和形态计量研究

    Ultrastructures and morphometry study on the glomeruli of mice chronically intoxicated with Cd

  12. 慢性镉中毒早期肾损害指标的探讨

    Discussion on an Early Diagnostic Indicator of Renal Damage in Chronic Cadmium Poisoning

  13. 亚慢性镉中毒致鸡肝细胞凋亡及硒拮抗效果的研究

    Study on liver cell apoptosis caused by subchronic cadmium toxication and selenium antagonism in chickens

  14. 氧化应激在亚慢性镉中毒引起的肝肾细胞凋亡中的作用

    Effect of oxidative stress on apoptosis induced by subchronic cadmium poisoning in liver and kidney

  15. 亚慢性镉中毒大鼠肾近曲小管细胞凋亡的初步研究

    Preliminary study on apoptosis of renal proximal tubular cells in rats with subchronic cadmium intoxication

  16. 慢性镉中毒小鼠肝脏的超微结构观察和定量分析

    Au Ultrastructural Study and Stereological Analysis on the Livers of Chronically Intoxicated with Cadmium Mice

  17. 硒对罗非鱼慢性镉中毒肝抗氧化酶及转氨酶的影响

    Effects of Selenium on Antioxidant Enzymes and Transaminases of Liver in Cadmium Chronic Toxic Tilapia nilotica

  18. 目的对亚慢性镉中毒大鼠的肾组织进行超微结构检查。

    [ Objective ] To make ultrastructural examination on renal tissues in rats with sub - chronic cadmium intoxication .

  19. 亚慢性镉中毒所致小鼠睾丸、精子损伤及锌保护作用研究

    Effect of subchronic cadmium exposure on testicles and sperms of male mice and the protective effect of zinc sulfate

  20. 本试验以育成母鸡为试验动物,在饲料中添加不同浓度的镉,复制鸡亚慢性镉中毒模型。

    Model hens of cadmium poisoning were duplicated by adding different levels of cadmium in the ration to study the toxicity effect and mechanism of cadmium on reproduction in chicken .

  21. 目的了解某铅锌矿及周围镉污染区镉接触者的健康状况,为镉污染所致慢性镉中毒症的判定提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the health status of cadmium-exposed population in a Lead-Zinc mine and its cadmium-polluted area so as to provide infomation for discrimination of chronic cadmium poisoning caused by environmental pollution .

  22. 职业史、临床症状、血及尿镉水平是慢性镉中毒早期诊断的重要条件。

    In addition to the above sensitive methods , blood and urinary cadmium level , clinical symptoms and occupational history are necessary and very important in the early diagnosis of chronic cadmium poisoning .

  23. 猪、鸭在镉、钼作用下,发生隐性慢性镉中毒,因镉引起动物缺硒、缺锌而在组织上呈现相应病变,兼有由镉直接刺激血管内膜所引起的血管壁增厚等病变。

    Pigs and ducks developed recessive chronic Cd poisoning under the effect of Cd and Mo and showed the histological lesions of Se-deficiency and Zn-deficiency and the thicken wall of blood vessel caused by the direct stimulus to blood vessel of Cd .

  24. 工业铅镉污染区动物慢性铅镉中毒的综合防治

    Comprehensive prophylaxis and treatment to chronic lead-cadmium poisoning of domestic animals in the industrial areas

  25. 尿液低分子量蛋白测定在慢性职业性镉中毒诊断中的意义及方法评定

    Significance of Urinary Low Molecular Protein Determination in Diagnosing Chronic Occupational Cadmium Poisoning