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  1. 我第一个就是男妇产科医生,实际上前两个。

    I have as my first one was male , first two actually .

  2. 标题:女性们,你们有没有过男妇产科医生(检查的经历)?感觉怪异,或者不舒服吗?

    Title : Females have you ever had a male gynecologist ? Is it at all weird or uncomfortable ?

  3. 然后这个男妇产科医生发表了一个五分钟的演讲,其内容是他最喜欢狗爬式做爱了,而且还做了各种手势。

    My OBGYN went on with a five minute speech on how doggy-style was his favorite position * with gestures , etc.

  4. 欢迎您到东龙岛金色的沙滩,诱人的海鲜,东龙岛是男妇老幼向往的海滨胜地!

    Welcome to Donglong Island ! A holiday resort for adults and children alike with splendid beaches and seductive seafood dishes !

  5. 汉族古代男耕妇织经济结构论

    On the Economic Structure of the Han Nationality Men Tilling the Land and Women Weaving in Ancient Times