
  • 网络CHINA BYTE;Chinone specificByte;Chinone particularByte
  1. 随着ATM、千兆以太网、G比特光纤网等大量的高速网络技术在近几年内不断涌现,单一的基于模式匹配的传统入侵检测技术不能满足高速网络环境下对数据包处理和分析的要求。

    In recent years , with the large number of high-speed network technologies such as ATM , Gigabit Ethernet , G-bit fiber-optic network emergence , the traditional intrusion detection technology based on pattern matching can not meet with the high-speed network environment for data processing and analysis capabilities .

  2. 一名用户在社交新闻网站Reddit(黑客、专业人士及年轻人经常光顾的一家网站)上贴出了比特币安全网登陆凭证的一个链接后,此次泄露事件才曝光。

    The leak became known after a user posted a link to the log-in credentials on Reddit frequented by hackers , professional and aspiring .