
shān zhài
  • mountain fastness;fortified mountain village
山寨 [shān zhài]
  • (1) [mountain fastness]∶在山中险要处设有防守的栅栏的据点

  • (2) [fortified mountain village]∶山区设有围墙或栅栏的村庄;绿林好汉的营寨

  • 如今近日上面添了一伙强人,扎下个山寨。--《水浒传》

  • (3) [village]∶ 中国西南山区里的村落。

山寨[shān zhài]
  1. 山寨经济是一个全球现象。

    Mountain fastness economy is phenomenon of a whole world .

  2. 叛军撤至他们的山寨过冬。

    The rebels have withdrawn to their mountain fastness for the winter .

  3. “山寨”应用程序也损害了手机游戏APP开发者刘先生。

    Fake apps also hurt the interests of a mobile game developer surnamed Liu .

  4. Google+可能试图优化Facebook,但它大部分还是停留在山寨水平。

    Google + may try to improve on Facebook , but it mostly copies it .

  5. 周四,其美国Twitter账号在简介中自称是“Manbang山寨”。

    On Thursday , its American Twitter account description read " Manbang knockoff . "

  6. 而此前的可穿戴设备,比如三星的GalaxyGear,则从未享受过被山寨厂商仿冒的待遇。

    Previous wearables , like Samsung 's Galaxy Gear , had never been popular enough to make it into China 's counterfeit market .

  7. 如今,芬迪大量销售印有花哨标识的毛皮料拖鞋(poolslides)与围巾,让人不由想起DapperDan“设计”的那些花哨夸张山寨货。

    Today , Fendi sells ostentatious branded furry pool slides and scarves that perfectly recall Dan 's flamboyant fakes .

  8. 三兄弟经营着一家名叫Rocket的山寨工厂,孵化着几十家互联网初创公司,其中很多都是从硅谷照搬经营方案。

    The brothers run a clone factory called Rocket which incubates dozens of internet start-ups – many of which take their business plans from Silicon Valley .

  9. 在早期仿制iphone的山寨版手机之后,这已催生了合法的低成本智能手机行业,在全球销售上已超越高端市场。

    After the early iPhone knock-offs , this spawned the legitimate low-cost smartphone industry that has overtaken the high-end market by sales globally .

  10. 三星Galaxy在一个苹果控眼里,就是一只超大的山寨版iPhone。

    The Samsung Galaxy , is , in an Apple lover 's eyes , a big , bad copy of an iPhone .

  11. 试论山寨手机及山寨xx的英译

    A Tentative Study on the Translation of " Shanzhai Cell Phone " and the Other " Shanzhai xx " Words

  12. 当战斗真正打响时,我们这些“山寨版”CS玩家可是一点都不含糊。

    When fights fires truly , our these " the village in a mountainous area version " CS plays the family is a spot is unambiguous .

  13. 在中国,看到山寨货并不稀奇,从山寨苹果专卖店、假冒记者到高仿古驰(Gucci)包袋,不胜枚举。

    China has seen its share of counterfeits , from fake Apple stores to fake reporters to fake Gucci .

  14. 这家运动服企业昨天表示,已经和生产小米智能手环的华米科技(HuamiTechnology)签署了战略合作协议。李宁公司迄今一直在努力摆脱生产廉价运动鞋、产品比西方品牌的山寨产品好不了多少的形象。

    The sportswear company - which has fought to shake off the image of producing cheap sports shoes that are little more than western knock-offs - said yesterday that it had signed a strategic partnership with Huami Technology , which produces Xiaomi 's " Mi " smart wristband .

  15. 耐克(Nike)旗下的匡威(Converse)表示,对于竞争对手明显山寨其经典款运动鞋的行为,他们已经忍无可忍。

    Converse says it is fed up with rival shoe companies selling what the Nike-owned company calls clear copycats of its iconic Chuck Taylor sneakers .

  16. 就Esurance公司这个例子而言,最有损其品牌的问题是,Twitter上一下子涌现出了大批声称自己是Esurance公司官微的山寨账户。

    In Esurance 's case , the issue most detrimental to its brand was that scores of copycat accounts emerged that purported to be Esurance official accounts , but were not .

  17. 当你最好的朋友想要iPod时,你就应该给他们买苹果的iPod,而不是易坏的山寨货。

    When your best friend asked for an iPod you should have given them the Apple product and not the cheap copy that broke immediately .

  18. 由9位随机抽选的外行人士、也就是所谓的陪审团认为,鉴于三星智能手机功能雷同iphone,疑点重重,因此不妨称三星为“山寨星”。

    According to nine randomly selected laymen which is to say , a jury samsungmight as well be known as samesung , since features of its smart phone suspiciously resemble the iPhone .

  19. 那么这几个佛蒙特州的家伙,凭着一个界面还很简陋的山寨版Tumblr,是怎样创造出让这么多人为之疯狂的奇迹的?

    How did a handful of guys in Vermont , with a bare-bones Tumblr knockoff , create the latest Web craze ?

  20. 尽管如此,它们和大多数假货一样,和真店相比还是有细微的差别,比如拼写错误的招牌“AppleStoer”。在美国人将这组山寨苹果店的照片放到博客上后,中国政府勒令山寨店关闭。

    However , like most fakes , there were subtle differences , such as misspelled signage advertising the " Apple Stoer . " After an American posted photos of this ruse on a blog , Chinese authorities swept in to shut the stores down .

  21. 在杜嘉班纳(Dolce&Gabbana)2017年女装春夏发布会上,印有“山寨”标识的T恤成为了重头戏;

    At Dolce & Gabbana , " fake " logo T-shirts were made a central part of the women 's SS17 collection .

  22. 1998年,马化腾创办了腾讯,推出即时通讯服务QQ,不是像硅谷公司那样在车库创办,而是在深圳的一个科技园,那里满是销售山寨手机的贩子和个人电脑(PC)维修商。

    Mr Ma started Tencent in 1998 as the messaging service QQ - not in a garage , Silicon Valley-style , but in a high-tech park in Shenzhen , jammed between hustlers selling pirated phones and PC repairs .

  23. 路透社的报道提到,像星巴克(Starbucks)和耐克(Nike)这样的品牌,早已受到各式各样山寨者的困扰&而中国侵权者做出来的产品质量也是“参差不齐”。

    Reuters notes that brands like Starbucks and Nike have long dealt with sophisticated fakes like this & and that enforcement for this sort of copyright infringement can be " spotty " in China .

  24. Groupon和它的山寨大军正因为业务模式单一而陷入困境,但Yipit却重新整合它们的原材料,形成了一个新的商业模式。

    But while Groupon and its army of clones are stuck with a monotonous business , yipit has reassembled their raw material into an entirely new model .

  25. 当我拿回家一双山寨版的旧靴子时,女儿十分不屑,恼怒地说:这不是Ugg的鞋。

    When I got a hand-me-down knock-off pair , my daughter turned up her nose . ' These aren 't Uggs , ' she snapped . '

  26. 调查服务公司Kroll高级董事总经理VioletHo称,品牌厂商们开始加强分析工作,研究供应链中哪些环节最薄弱,容易受到山寨厂商的冲击,以及谁可以看到它们的产品设计等。

    Companies are increasingly analyzing which parts of their supply chain are most vulnerable to counterfeiters , and who has access to their product designs , according to Violet Ho , a senior managing director for investigative-services firm Kroll .

  27. 匡威补充道,事实上,山寨Chuck的情况在2008年便已经出现,在过去六年间,他们已经发出了超过180封与Chuck商标有关的禁止通知函。

    Converse added that cases of what it deems knockoff Chucks have really picked up since 2008 , with the company claiming that it has served more than 180 cease and desist letters related to its Chucks trademarks in the past six years .

  28. 匡威补充道,事实上,“山寨Chuck”的情况在2008年便已经出现,在过去六年间,他们已经发出了超过180封与Chuck商标有关的禁止通知函。

    Converse added that cases of what it deems " knockoff Chucks " have really picked up since 2008 , with the company claiming that it has served more than 180 cease and desist letters related to its Chucks trademarks in the past six years .

  29. 多年来大量生产山寨货的中国,已经将“模仿是最真诚的恭维”这句谚语提升到新的层次。山寨的产品从苹果的iPhone、哈利波特系列图书到劳斯莱斯汽车和法国高级葡萄酒,无所不包。

    Over the years , the country has taken the proverbial expression " imitation is the sincerest form of flattery " to the next level , churning out scores of shanzhai , or counterfeit , items , including everything from fake Apple iPhones to Harry Potter books to Rolls-Royces and French luxury wines .

  30. 折叠自行车生产商大行(Dahon)表示,在中国,公司的调查人员去购买山寨的大行折叠自行车时会戴着假发,以免被造假者认出来,同时还会雇用目击证人跟随。

    In China , folding-bicycle-maker Dahon says its investigators wear wigs to avoid recognition by counterfeiters and also hire witnesses to tag along when they buy the counterfeit bicycles .