
  • 网络Automotive Leaf Springs
  1. 汽车板簧疲劳寿命试验的电液伺服控制

    Application of Electro - hydraulic Servo Control to Fatigue Life Test of Automotive Leaf Springs

  2. 设计了一类(038~044)%CMnSiCr成分的贝氏体钢汽车板簧材料,测定了常规力学性能,分析了组织特征。

    A type of bainitic steel for automobile leaf spring with the composition of ( 0.38 ~ 0.44 ) % C-Mn-Si-Cr was designed , and their conventional mechanical properties were measured and the microstructures were observed and analyzed .

  3. 介绍了行业中的刚度测试方法和IVECO汽车板簧标准中的二级刚度的板簧刚度测试方法。

    The paper introduces the stiffness testing method used in automotive circle and the test method of the second class stiffness leaf spring in IVECO automotive leaf spring standard .

  4. 提出了利用虚拟样机理论,在整车动力学仿真的基础上,对汽车板簧进行了CAD、CAA的方法,实际应用结果表明,开发的系统ASCAD,能有效地提高汽车的设计水平。

    : With the help of theory of virtue prototypes , based on automobile dynamics simulation , the method of leaf spring CAD , CAA is put forward . Practical application of the system ASCAD shows that it can improve the design of automobile greatly .

  5. 新型贝氏体钢汽车板簧材料的性能研究

    Properties of a New Type Bainitic Steel for Automobile Leaf Spring

  6. 汽车板簧疲劳裂纹监测技术

    Monitoring Technique for the Fatigue Crack Formation in Automotive Plate Springs

  7. 单片机在汽车板簧液压曲形淬火机控制中的应用

    Microprocessor Applied to Controlling Hydraulic Curve Hardening Machine of Automobile Plate Springs

  8. 基于虚拟仪器的汽车板簧载荷测试系统

    The Automotive Leaf Load Testing System Based on Virtual Instruments

  9. 基于模糊物元法的汽车板簧配置设计评价技术研究

    The Assessment of Vehicle Leaf-Spring Design Based on Fuzzy Matter-Element

  10. 复合材料汽车板簧吊耳及其联接的研究

    Research lifting ear and joint of composite leaf spring

  11. 基于神经网络的汽车板簧自组织配置设计方法

    A Method of Self-Organizing Configuration Design of Vehicle Leaf-Spring Based on Neural Network

  12. 汽车板簧刚度测试方法探讨

    Study on Method for Testing Automotive Leaf Spring Stiffness

  13. 复合材料汽车板簧与车桥壳的联接研究

    Composite leaf spring and axle housing joint research

  14. 汽车板簧应力抛丸强化生产线的研制

    Developing of Production Line of Shot Peening for Strain Strengthening of Automotive Plate Spring

  15. 加入硼与稀土对60Si2Mn汽车板簧机械性能的影响

    The Effect on the Machanical Feature of 60Si_2Mn Vehicle Block Spring by Adding Boron and RE

  16. 变截面汽车板簧及其用钢

    Taper Leaf and Steel Used

  17. 为适应变截面汽车板簧用材所需,研制了一种低碳马氏体型弹簧钢。

    A low carbon martensitic spring steel has been developed to meet the requirements of variable-cross-section plate spring for trucks .

  18. 全自动液压板簧轧机是用于制造汽车板簧的专用设备。

    Automatic Hydraulic Tape Leaf Spring Rolling Mill ( AHTLSRM ) is a special equipment to manufacture automobile leaf spring .

  19. 该钢具有优良的淬透性。已在高应力、高性能汽车板簧,变截面板簧、轿车前、后悬架簧上进行试验和应用。

    The test and application of the steel used for high stress and properties auto leaf spring , variable section leaf spring , suspend self spring have been carried out .

  20. 板簧的生产要经过很多道工序,国内汽车板簧生产过程当中,用来搬运板簧的多是人力搬运或者是横梁式的平面搬运机械手。

    The spring production has many processes , in the process of spring production in china ; most of the machines for leaf-spring carrying are human handling or the type of plane carrying manipulator .

  21. 介绍了基于虚拟仪器的汽车板簧载荷测试系统的硬件组成、位移测量和电液伺服位置闭环控制方法、系统的功能和关键技术。

    Describes hardware configuration based on virtual instruments automotive leaf load testing system , the method of position measuring and electro hydraulic closed loop position servo control and push pull excitations , function of the system and key technology .

  22. 介绍了变截面汽车板簧的工作特性和成型原理,并为此设计了变截面板簧生产的专用轧机设备,分析了影响成型精度的诸因素。

    This paper introduces the performance characteristic and shaping principle of the variable cross section flat spring , for which a flat spring mill has been specially designed . The paper analyses all factors which have influence on shaping precision .

  23. 汽车变截面板簧精密成形自动化装置研究

    Research on Precision forming automatic flat spring with variable cross-section of automobile

  24. 近年来,随着国内汽车需求量的增加,汽车工业高速发展,汽车板簧的应用及需求量也日益增多。

    In recent years , with the increase of demand for vehicles , the auto industry has rapid development ; the application and demand of vehicles spring demand are increasing .