
  • 网络flight muscle
  1. 实验还证明JH滴度的增加和节律不是由飞行肌的重量或者飞行肌重量比的变化所致。

    The experiments also prove that the daily rhythm of JH titers is not due to the variation in flight muscle mass or the ratio of flight muscle mass .

  2. 甜菜夜蛾飞行肌中与能量代谢有关的酶活性

    Activity of enzymes related to energy metabolism in the flight muscle of beet armyworm

  3. 激素对稻水象甲飞行肌和卵巢发育的影响

    Development of Flight Muscle and Ovary of the Rice Water Weevil Influenced by Methoprene and Molting Hormones

  4. 本文还比较了长翅型雌、雄性个体之间间接飞行肌的发育情况。

    The wing dimorphism differentiation sensitive instar was inferred and compared between the male and female individuals .

  5. 同时,不论是新羽成虫还是夏蛰成虫,取食稻秧后卵巢和飞行肌同时发育;

    Meanwhile , the newly emerged and the aestivating adults would develop their ovaries and flight muscles simultaneously .

  6. 为了解稻水象甲飞行肌发育和消解过程中飞行肌超微结构的变化,本文用透射电镜对其飞行肌进行了超微结构的研究。

    A transmiting electron microscope study was conducted of RWW to illustrate the ultrastructural changes during flight muscle development and degeneration .

  7. 最后对粘虫蛾飞行肌与卵巢发育及其飞行能力变化的关系进行了讨论。

    The moth 's flight muscle grows and flight capacity increases as its ovary develops , but its flight muscle degenerates and flight capacity decreases after the moth begins laying eggs .

  8. 飞行肌解剖结果表明,飞行肌宽度随时间变化而变化,而长度则比较恒定,与发育历期无关,所以飞行肌宽度可作为监测依据,而长度则不宜采用。

    The result of flight muscles dissection showed that the width of flight muscles changes with time , but the length is constant , not varying with developmental duration . So the width of flight muscles can be used as monitoring basis .

  9. 飞行人员呼吸肌功能调查

    Investigation on respiratory muscle function of flying personnel

  10. 民航飞行人员冠状动脉肌桥致急慢性心肌缺血二例

    Two aircrew cases of myocardial ischemia induced by congenital myocardial bridge

  11. 同时迁出种群的飞行能力显著强于迁入种群的,迁出种群雌蛾的主要飞行能源物质甘油三酯的含量以及飞行肌干重等均显著高于迁入种群的。

    Dry weight of the flight muscle and content of triglyceride in female of the emigrant population was significantly higher than that of the immigrant population .