
  • 网络subsidiary dam
  1. 通过室内物理模型,对金溪一级电站溢洪道水力学问题进行试验研究,提出了满足工程要求的较优的溢流堰体型和二道坝高度。

    Through hydraulic model test , this paper presents the hydraulics study results on overflow arch dam of Jinxi Hydroelectric Station , and puts forward an optimum configuration of overflow weir and subsidiary dam height for satisfying projet requests .

  2. 消力池下游采用阶梯状的二道坝与下游河床连接,减轻了泄流对下游河床的冲刷。

    The stepped chute 's second dam is used between stilling basin and downstream river bed , water scouring to the bed is lighten .