
  • 网络gradualism;Gradual Reform;incremental reform
  1. 因此,面对加入WTO后的挑战,我国现在要慎行过去渐进式改革。

    Therefore , facing the challenge as a member of WTO , it is necessary to carefully consider the gradual reform carried out in the past .

  2. 第一部分,我国渐进式改革的内涵。

    Part one , the connotation of China 's gradual reform .

  3. 他还全身心支持国民教育和渐进式改革。

    He threw his weight behind popular education and incremental reform .

  4. 因此,统治集团会通过渐进式改革巩固其义理性统治。

    Thus the ruling clique consolidates its legitimacy by incremental reform .

  5. 我国的渐进式改革及其寻租问题

    On the Problem of China 's Step-by-Step Reform and Its Rent-Seeking

  6. 渐进式改革;宏观产权制度;利益保护;

    Gradual reform ; Macro-property rights system ; Protection of benefits ;

  7. 国有企业渐进式改革的历史轨迹

    The His to rical Track of Gradual Reform in SOEs

  8. 经济转轨与中国金融的渐进式改革之路

    Economic Transition and the Gradual Financial Reform Path in China

  9. 中国渐进式改革的路径选择和制度变迁评析

    The Path Choice and the System Change of China 's Steady Reform

  10. 渐进式改革的文化意蕴

    The cultural meaning and implication of the gradual reform

  11. 日本选择了以提高经济效率为导向的渐进式改革。

    Japan settled on evolutionary change in the direction of greater economic efficiency .

  12. 论渐进式改革所伴生的矛盾和问题

    On the Contradictories and Problems Associated with Gradual Reform

  13. 中国渐进式改革的特征与经验

    Characteristics and Experience of China 's Gradual Reform

  14. 渐进式改革与中国的城市化

    The incremental reform and the urbanization in China

  15. 第二部分,我国渐进式改革的选择与初步实践。

    Part two , the choice and initial practice of China 's gradual reform .

  16. 浅谈有中国特色的渐进式改革道路

    Briefly on China 's Peculiar Gradual Reform

  17. 渐进式改革与农村管理的转换

    Progressive Reform and Transformation of Rural Management

  18. 中国渐进式改革战略决定了国家选择了国有银行为国有企业提供金融支持。

    China gradual reform strategy chooses state-owned banks to provide state-owned enterprises with financial support .

  19. 中国支持渐进式改革。

    China has advocated a measured transition .

  20. 休克疗法与渐进式改革

    The Shock Cure and Gradual Reformation

  21. 我国城镇住房制度的变迁主要表现为渐进式改革和自上而下与自下而上相结合这两个特点。

    The main features of Chinese urban housing are gradual reform and top-down and bottom-up combination .

  22. 渐进式改革对东西部差距扩大的因素分析

    The Analysis of Progressive Reform Influence on the Widened Gaps Between the East and the West

  23. 从东京奥运会审视北京奥运会后中国体育渐进式改革

    Carefully Examines Chinese Sports Evolution Type Reform after Beijing Olympic Games from the Tokyo Olympic Games

  24. 渐进式改革、金融产权与转轨时期的银企关系

    The Gradual Reform , the Property Rights of Finance and the Relationship between Banks and Enterprises

  25. 渐进式改革中我国股票市场的功能缺陷及其反思

    Functional Defects of China 's Stock Market in the Course of Gradual Reform and Some Reflections

  26. 中国渐进式改革的成功是对现代经济学的一个挑战。

    The success achieved by the gradual reform in China is a challenge to modern economics .

  27. 即便是现在,在经过多年的渐进式改革之后,它们仍未在中国站稳脚跟。

    Even now , after years of incremental reforms , their foothold in China can be tenuous .

  28. 它在中国渐进式改革过程中发挥着特殊的支持作用甚至是关键性的作用。

    The policy of financial restraint has played a key role in the gradualism reform of China .

  29. 第三部分:简要分析和探讨了近代德国政治现代化选择渐进式改革之路的成因。

    Part ⅲ: Analyzing the reason of political modernization why German chooses the way of reform gradually .

  30. 分析师预计,旨在改善公司治理的渐进式改革将构成这一计划的主要部分。

    Analysts expect that incremental reforms aimed at improving corporate governance will comprise the bulk of the plan .