
  1. 务实的人必须采用分支方法,即渐进决策科学。

    The practical man must follow the branch approach the science of muddling through .

  2. 渐进决策模型视角的高校扩招政策分析

    From the View of Progressive Decision-making Model to Analyze Enrolment Expansion Policy of Colleges and Universities

  3. 出租车业管制政策的研究&基于公共事业中公共性与效益性的渐进决策

    Government 's Regulation of Taxi Industry & Based on a Gradual Decision-making Goal for Public and Beneficial Control

  4. 林德布洛姆创立了动态均衡的渐进决策模式,引起了巨大的反响。

    Lindblom founded a policy-making pattern of dynamic equilibrium that is incremental , and it brought profound effect .

  5. 加强宣传,更新观念,准确定位绿色制度体系的功能,渐进决策,克服利益障碍是其工作重点。

    The key to the work is to strengthen publication , renew concepts , locate the function of the green system , move the strategies forward step by step and overcome any obstacles .

  6. 渐进决策模型足一种在过去经验的基础上,采用渐进方式对现行政策加以修改从而逐渐实现决策目标的一种决策过程范式。

    So-called progressive decision-making model is a decision-making process paradigm , which is based on the past experience , and progressively to realize the objectives through gradual approach to modify the existing policy .

  7. 从渐进决策理论看我国行政管理体制改革出租车业管制政策的研究&基于公共事业中公共性与效益性的渐进决策

    An Analysis of Administrative System Reform in China from the View of Progressive Decision-making Theory ; Government 's Regulation of Taxi Industry & Based on a Gradual Decision-making Goal for Public and Beneficial Control

  8. 渐进模式在危机决策中的适用性分析

    An Analysis of Usability of Progressive Model in Decision-making in Crisis

  9. 理性主义和渐进主义都是决策理论中的主要的根源性模式。

    Both rationalism and incrementalism are major root models in policy making theory .