
ào miào
  • profound;secret;subtle;what's behind it;marvelous;mysterious;wonderful
奥妙 [ào miào]
  • (1) [marvellous;mysterious;wonderful]∶深奥微妙

  • 这些技术经验,不靠实践是一辈子也不会知道其中的奥妙的。——吴伯箫《记一辆纺车》

  • (2) [secret;what's behind it]∶指隐藏或还没有被认识的内容或道理

  • 其中并无奥妙

  • 不难明白其中的奥妙

奥妙[ào miào]
  1. 当我演奏的时候,我知道Nathaniel的眼睛里有一种奥妙的变化

    And as I played , I understood that there was a profound change occurring in Nathaniel 's eyes .

  2. 而忏,是最奥妙,最微细的心理活动。

    On the other hand , repentance is the most profound and subtle mental movement .

  3. 其中定有奥妙。

    There must be more to it than meets the eye .

  4. 不难明白其中的奥妙。

    It 's not difficult to see what 's behind it .

  5. 这本书我觉得奥妙之至。

    It seems to me a most marvelous book .

  6. 其中并无奥妙。

    There is nothing secret about it .

  7. 我的主意奥妙之处在于它花费极少。

    The beauty of my idea is that it would cost so little !

  8. 不难看出其中的奥妙。

    It 's not difficult to see the implications .

  9. 大地的奥妙在于它既生长万物,亦埋葬万物。

    The paradox of earth is that it cradles life and then entombs life .

  10. 它提醒我,宇宙神秘和奥妙远超出我们的想象。

    It reminded me that the universe was strange and mysterious .

  11. 如果伯金能够探到其中奥妙,那就随他去罢。

    If Birkin could get at the secrets , let him .

  12. 过程写生与绘画创作的奥妙关系

    The Secret and the Connection of Sketching Process and Painting Creation

  13. 是不是其中还有什么奥妙?

    Could it be there is something more going on here ?

  14. 让我帮助你了解原力的奥妙。

    Let me help you to know the subtleties of the force .

  15. 古典诗歌:分析方法的找寻与鉴赏的奥妙

    Classical Peotry : The Research on Analysis and the Mystery of Appreciation

  16. 他看到斯莱姆把花纸撕毁了,猜出其中的奥妙。

    He noticed slyme destroying the paper and , guessing the reason .

  17. 朱林:我喜欢探索生活的奥妙。

    Zhu Lin : I want to explore the mysteries in life .

  18. 谈端午节中之奥妙数字五

    Talk about Mysterious Figure " Five " of May Festival

  19. 部族一代又一代的把神秘的奥妙传下来了。

    The tribe has handed down its mystical secrets carefully for generations .

  20. 会计的复杂性使得投资者难以发现其中奥妙。

    The complexity of accounting makes this hard for investors to spot .

  21. 又说:懂得易数就知此中的奥妙。

    Yi said : understand the situation and will know the secret .

  22. 单词和字母蕴涵着世间万物之奥妙。

    That words and letters hold all the secrets of the universe .

  23. 但你又怎么知道其中的奥妙呢?

    But how do you learn the secret to this ?

  24. 寻找一位可以解释迷幻剂奥妙之处的圣人的故事

    searching for a holy man who could explain what psychedelics do .

  25. 透过对这些昆虫的认识,我们就能一窥昆虫世界的奥妙。

    We can learn the secrets of insects by understanding with them .

  26. 我还没有领略到这个软件的奥妙之处。

    I haven 't grasped all the subtleties of the software yet .

  27. 我们面临着宇宙最大的奥妙之一。

    We are up against one of the great mysteries of the universe .

  28. 过于认为奥妙,我们思想反而模糊不清。

    By undue profoundity we perplex and enfeeble thought .

  29. 我是说,我很擅长数学,我能领悟数学的奥妙。

    I mean , I 'm good at math . I understand math .

  30. 你们知道我们的无名指之奥妙吗?

    Do you know that there is a miracle of our forth finger ?