
  • 网络Oakland A's;oakland athletics;A's
  1. 影片讲述了奥克兰运动家队经理比利·比恩(BillyBeane)的故事。他希望帮助自己的球队赢得职业棒球赛的冠军。

    It is about the manager of the Oakland A 's , Billy Beane , who wants to help his team win the World Series .

  2. 2002年奥克兰运动家队的故事一个真实的故事是真实的关于底层的小人物

    The Oakland A 's on 2002 . A true story . A ture story and you know it 's a story about underdogs

  3. 奥克兰运动家队自从他转会后还没有赢过一场比赛。

    The A 's have not won a game since they traded him .

  4. 但是这个故事吸引了我讲的是奥克兰运动家队的故事你们已经看过了

    But I really got taken with this story , these guys in ... It 's about Oakland A 's , well you guys saw it

  5. 勇士成为继1974年世界大赛第五场打败纽约道奇队夺冠的奥克兰运动家队后,第一支在家乡夺冠的湾区球队。

    The Warriors became the first Bay Area team to capture a championship at home since the A 's finished the Los Angeles Dodgers in Game 5 of the 1974 World Series .

  6. 正如大家所知,点球成金,是奥克兰运动家棒球队的方法,

    Now , moneyball , as many of you know , is what the Oakland A 's did ,