
  • 网络Weijian Shan
  1. 不过,今年夏天tpg在中国遭受了打击:其在中国的头号交易撮合者单伟建从这家美国集团辞职,转而设立自己的人民币基金。

    This summer , however , TPG suffered a blow in China after Weijian Shan , its leading dealmaker in the country , quit the US group to set up his own local fund .

  2. 在1998年加盟TPG后,单伟建让该集团成为投资中国及亚洲的外国私人股本的先锋,并领导了一系列盈利丰厚的交易,包括收购深圳发展银行(SDB)。

    Weijian Shan established TPG as a pioneer in foreign private equity investing in China and Asia and led a string of lucrative deals after joining the firm in 1998 , including its acquisition of Shenzhen Development Bank .

  3. 单伟建在数周前离开TPG,目前正在募集10亿至20亿美元,用于在中国投资;他将与另一家投资公司PacificAlliance合作。

    Shan Weijian left TPG several weeks ago and is currently raising $ 1bn - $ 2bn for investment in China along with Pacific Alliance , another investment firm .

  4. 香港私人股本集团太盟亚洲资本(pagcapital)首席执行官单伟建表示,会出现这种问题是因为中国试图同时实行资本主义和国家控制。

    Of PAG capital , the Hong Kong-based private equity group ( and a veteran of the Cultural Revolution ) says the problem is caused by trying to combine capitalism with state control .

  5. 曾帮助太盟将单伟建招至麾下的苗学礼(TonyMiller)表示:他们厌烦了在周一的投资委员会会议上解释重庆在哪儿。

    You get tired of having to explain at the Monday investment committee meeting where Chongqing is , Tony Miller , who helped recruit Mr Shan to Pacific Alliance , said .

  6. 在预期香港未来几年将废除联系汇率制的人士中,有一位是私人股本集团tpg前投资明星、另类资产管理公司太盟投资集团(pacificalliancegroup)现任董事长单伟建。

    Among those who expect the peg to disappear in coming years is Shan Weijian , the former investment star at private equity group TPG and now chairman of alternative asset manager Pacific Alliance Group in Hong Kong .

  7. 总部位于旧金山的国际收购公司TPG今年早些时候失去了其在亚洲的明星交易撮合人之一单伟建,后者宣布他将离职。

    TPG , the San Francisco-based international buy-out firm , lost one of its Asian stars earlier this year when Shan Weijian announced he was leaving .

  8. 单伟建在达成中国交易方面拥有出色的记录,其中许多交易在结构上让太盟投资集团掌握控制权,这也是他在tpg期间展现的特色之一。

    Mr Shan has a strong record on deals in China , structured to give Pacific Alliance Control in many cases , one of his trademarks at TPG .

  9. 以香港为大本营的单伟建正计划设立一只关注亚洲机会的基金,不过他仍将在一段未指明长度的时期内担任tpg的高级顾问,并继续担任投资组合内一些公司的董事。

    Hong Kong-based Mr Shan is planning to set up a fund focused on Asia-wide opportunities , although he will remain as a senior adviser to TPG and continue to serve on the boards of some portfolio companies for an unspecified period .

  10. 单伟建经常批评中国的政策和许多中国企业的无盈利增长。

    He has at times spoken out against both Chinese policy and the profitless growth of many Chinese companies .

  11. 胡祖六已经向投资者募集到8亿美元,而据知情人士透露,单伟建的目标是为新基金筹集逾20亿美元。

    Mr Hu has raised about $ 800m from investors , while Mr Shan is targeting more than $ 2bn for a fund , according to people familiar with the matter .

  12. 单伟建表示,他的基金不会只关注中国,他计划利用他在亚洲市场的投资经验,并可能会继续他对收购交易的偏好。

    Mr Shan said that his fund would not solely focus on China and that he planned to draw on his investment experience across Asian markets and would likely continue his preference for buy-out deals .