
  • 网络gyromagnetic medium
  1. 旋磁介质加载矩形波导中TEM场的研究

    The Study of TEM Field in a Rectangular Waveguide with Gyromagnetic Dielectric Slab Filled

  2. 这里采用矢量基函数的Galerkin算法解决了旋磁介质波导本征模计算问题,克服了有限元法难以剔除虚假模式的困难。

    A novel vector base function in Galerkin method was proposed in calculating the eigenvalue of ferrite dielectric waveguide .

  3. 旋磁介质加载波导中的局部均匀场理论

    Partial Uniformity Field in Rectangular Waveguide Loaded by Gyromagnetic Dielectric Slabs

  4. 多层旋磁介质材料中的耦合法拉第效应

    The Magnetic Coupled Faraday Effect in Multilayer Garnet Materials

  5. 基于磁介质中的传输矩阵和边界矩阵处理方法,建立了多层旋磁介质材料耦合法拉第角计算模型,分析了BiDyIG多层石榴石旋磁薄膜的法拉第角频谱。

    Based on the treatment methods of transmisson matrix and boundary matrix in the magnetic medium , a calculation model of magnetic coupled Faraday effect in the multilayer materials was given , and the variation of Faraday angle with frequence also was analyzed .