
  • 网络follower;Source Follower;Voltage Follower;FVF
  1. 高频下寄生极间电容对MOSFET源极跟随器的影响

    Effects of Interelectrode and Stray Capacitances on a MOSFET Source Follower at High Frequencies

  2. 改进的电压跟随器PFCCukAC-DC变换器

    Improved Voltage Follower PFC Cuk AC-DC Converter

  3. 炮口振动位移测试传感器主要有电涡流位移传感器、CCD激光位移传感器、光电位移跟随器和激光测振仪等。

    The sensors used for the muzzle vibration responses include the eddy current type , laser CCD type , photoelectricity type and so on .

  4. 对比两种P矩阵的模拟结果,说明了峰峰值耦合模方程和有效值耦合模方程分析频响的等效性。另外对频率跟随器的试验进行了分析。

    The simulated curves by the two P matrixes are compared . It is proved that the peak to peak values COM equations and the effective values COM equations are equivalent for analyzing frequency response .

  5. 电路由对称的电压反转跟随器和ClassABSI存储单元组成,输入级采用电流传输器和输出级采用可调共源共栅结构。

    The circuits are composed by the symmetrical flipped voltage follower and the class AB SI memory cell , with the input circuit introduces current conveyance and the output adopts a cascode .

  6. 本文采用射极跟随器、电流镜、非饱和电流开关等高速单元电路设计了一种新颖的BJT模拟开关。

    A new design of BJT analog switch using high speed unit such as emitter follower , current mirror and unsaturated current switch is presented .

  7. 限幅放大器选用多级级连的全差分结构,有效抑制共模噪声,并且在不增加芯片额外功耗和面积的前提下采用fT倍频器和插入源极跟随器有效地拓展了带宽。

    A multistage cascaded , differential broadband limiting amplifier effectively restrains common-mode noise . Without increasing extra power consumption and layout area , the limiting amplifier with frequency multiplier and source followers effectively expands the bandwidth .

  8. 供MOS-VLSI诊断用的电压跟随器

    A voltage follower for mos-vlsi diagnostics

  9. 双电机驱动胶带运输系统模糊跟随器的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Fuzzy-follower for Double-motor Driving Belt Conveying System

  10. 采用集成电位跟随器作盘电极电流测试。

    A potential follower is used for measuring the disc current .

  11. 另外对频率跟随器的试验进行了分析。

    In addition , we were analyzing for the experiment of frequency follower .

  12. 论电压跟随器与电流跟随器的对偶性

    On the Duality of Voltage Followers and Current Followers

  13. 基于混沌振子的微弱振动信号频变跟随器仿真设计

    Simulation Design of Frequency Variation Tracker of Weak Vibration Signals Based on Chaotic Oscillator

  14. 射极跟随器的辅助放大作用

    The assistant amplification effect of emitter follower

  15. 射极跟随器的特点及应用

    The Characteristics and Application of Emitter Follower

  16. 由微分跟随器、积分逆系统和滤波器实现自适应逆混沌反控制器。

    Adaptive inverse chaos anti-control was realized by tracking differentiators , integrating inverse system and filtering .

  17. 宽频带光电隔离跟随器

    A wideband optoelectric isolation follower

  18. 射极跟随器二极管-晶体管逻辑

    Emitter follower diode transistor logic

  19. 射极跟随器-射极耦合逻辑

    Emitter follower-emitter coupled logic

  20. 互补对称射极跟随器

    Complementary symmetry emitter follower

  21. 发射极跟随器逻辑电路

    Emitter follower logic circuit

  22. 本文分析了电流传送器的基本镜像电流源和电压跟随器模块电路。

    The paper analyzes the fundamental part circuit of current conveyor , the current mirror and the voltage follower .

  23. 此前置放大器采用单电源供电,由1级放大器、2级源级跟随器和1个反馈电阻组成。

    It composes of an amplifier stage , two stages of source follower and a feedback resistance , using a single supply voltage .

  24. 产生带隙基准电压的电路由有源电流镜,共源共栅结构,差分放大器,共源放大器,和源跟随器组成。

    Bandgap reference voltage generated by the active current mirror circuit , cascade structure , differential amplifier , common source amplifier , and the composition of the source follower .

  25. 电力系统混沌振荡状态和它的微分信号由微分跟随器实时提取,并通过微分跟随器对非线性周期性负荷扰动的影响进行自适应补偿。

    The states of the system and their differential signals are obtained on time by tracking differentiator , and the influence induced by nonlinear periodic load disturbance is compensated adaptively .

  26. 本文分析了激光电源产生干扰的现象和原因,并根据干扰特性制定出相应的解决方案。文中提出使用射级跟随器及扼流线圈滤波器双重滤波的方法。

    The phenomena and reason caused by the laser power was analyzed in this paper , corresponding resolve plan was made out according to the characteristic of the circuits interference .

  27. 该模糊跟随器在某中型煤矿的井下原煤运输系统中进行了实际应用,效果良好,较好地解决了双电机拖动系统的功率平衡问题。

    And the Fuzzy-follower is applied in shaft bottom coal conveyor of a medium-sized coal mine and gives good results . Thus , it solves the problem of power balance of double-motor driving system .

  28. 其中由于采样开关(交换式射极跟随器&SEF)是电路获得高速性能的关键部分,所以对其工作原理及主要影响因素做了详细的分析。

    In the designed circuit , because sampling switch ( switched emitter follower & SEF ) is the critical part to achieve high speed performance , its fundamental principles and main drawbacks are analyzed in detail .

  29. 该动态电压恢复器由一传统的三相电压型逆变器和一射极跟随器组成,其中,三相电压型逆变器用于消除供电电压中负序分量对负荷的影响,并将负荷电压恢复到给定的水平;

    The negative effects of load caused by the negative sequence component of the supply voltage can be eliminated and the load voltage magnitude can be restored to referenced value by using the three phase voltage source inverter .

  30. 根据伏安法测量电阻的优点以及电压跟随器和差动放大器的特点,提出了在低电阻测量中能消除导线电阻和接触电阻影响的一种新方法。

    This paper puts forword a new method that measuring in low resistance can dissolve the wise resistance with contact resistance , according to the advantage of the volt-ampere method and the features of voltage follower and differential amplifier .