
  1. 你准备什么时候留下鲍斯跟我回家?

    When you gonna leave Bors and come home with me ?

  2. 怪不得你不跟我回家。

    That 's why you won 't come home with me .

  3. 因为今晚,你跟我回家去,雅听说了吗?

    Cause tonight , you going home with me , ya heard ?

  4. 请跟我回家吧回哪里?

    Please.Come home with me . Where 's home ?

  5. 我要带你跟我回家。

    I 'm gonna take you home with me .

  6. 他问:“你能跟我回家,我俩单独在一起?”

    He said ," Can I take you home where we can be alone ?"

  7. 明天你跟我回家。

    Tomorrow you 'll come home with me .

  8. 跟我回家吧,听见我的话了吗!

    ' Come home with me , do you hear !' He went towards her .

  9. 不要跟我回家!

    Please Dont follow me home !

  10. 不会。好啦,赶其他人回家吧,然后跟我回家去。

    No. All right , kick everybody out , and let 's go back to my place .

  11. 要不要跟我回家把你的申请填了?

    Why don 't we go back to the apartment , and fill out your application ? Okay .

  12. 老人高兴地说:“麻雀啊,我很想你,跟我回家吧!”

    The old man said joyously , " I missed you very much , sparrow . Will you follow me home ? "

  13. 我很想带着你们每个人跟我一起回家。

    I wish I could take every one of you home with me .

  14. 但愿他跟我同时回家。

    I wish he goes home at the same time as I do .

  15. 亲爱的,你一定要跟我一起回家会见我的家人。

    You have to go dawn me or meet my men , darling .

  16. 我想让你跟我一起回家

    I want you to come home with me .

  17. 因为你将要跟我一起回家了。

    because you 're coming home with me !

  18. 噢,那你跟我一起回家吧,丈夫说,我娶了你的姐妹!

    Well , come on home with me , he said , I married your sister !

  19. 柏金斯先生已经告诉你今晚不需要再继续工作了所以跟我一起回家吧

    Mr. Perkins has informed you you 're not working anymore tonight ... so come on , come with me .

  20. 罗杰·诺埃尔用他那双充满热情的棕色眼睛看了看我。“很好,”他说。”跟我一起回家吧,这样我们就可以谈谈了。”他把我举起来放到他的马上,马于是迅速地沿着大道向里德村行进。

    Roger Nowell looked at me with his warm brown eyes . 'Very well , 'he said . 'Come home with me , and we can talk . 'He lifted me up on to his horse , and the horse moved quickly a - long the road to the village of Read .

  21. 有一次我穿着牛仔裤去塞恩斯伯里商店买东西,那个收银的小姑娘跟我说快回家穿回夏洛蒂。

    I went into Sainsbury 's in jeans once , and the checkout girl told me to go home and come back as Charlotte .

  22. 也许我该跟我的挚友麦克斯回家住

    Maybe I should come home and live with my best friend , Max.

  23. 我跟你讲,我回家的时候先去你那儿

    I 'll tell you what . I 'll drop by your place on my way home .

  24. 我知道总有一天我会回到巴基斯坦,但每当我跟父亲提到我想回家,他就会找借口搪塞。

    I know I will go back to Pakistan , but whenever I tell my father I want to go home , he finds excuses .