
  • 网络forge ahead
  1. 他们在经历挫折后重新振作、奋勇向前。他们懂得卷土重来的力量,这是《财富》(Fortune)第四年年度美国人最骄傲的100件事排行榜上的第一桩。

    Indeed , they know the power of a comeback , which is the first item onFortune 's fourth annual list of 100 great things about America .

  2. 威尔逊奋勇向前,于2012年推出了下一代GMAT考试,其中包含一块名为集成推理(IntegratedReasoning)的全新内容,旨在测试申请人的信息评估能力。

    Wilson plowed ahead , launching in 2012 a next-generation GMAT exam with a new section called Integrated Reasoning , which measures a candidate 's ability to evaluate information .

  3. 充满激情的“奋勇向前”,这是一首U2乐队曾经录制过的节奏最快的歌曲。

    The energetic " Get On Your Boots " is one of the fastest paced songs U2 has ever recorded .

  4. 他们在经历挫折后重新振作、奋勇向前。

    These are the Americans that bounce back and bound forward .

  5. 现在,摆在这位神奇小子面前的任务就是必须率领他的队伍向前,奋勇向前

    Now his wonderboy must lead the team upwards .

  6. 为了落族,家族与荣耀,奋勇向前,伟大的高庐之子!

    For tribe , family , and honor , forward , sons of Great Gaul !

  7. 生活在顽强的战斗中,只有每天不屈不饶奋勇向前的人才能取得胜利。

    On life 's earnest battle they only prevail , who daily march onward and never say fail .

  8. 但停止抱怨,奋勇向前,并从失败中吸取教训,是一个优秀管理者的重要特征。

    But sucking it up , coming forwardand learning from the experience is the hallmark of a great manager .

  9. 更重要的是,他们不畏大自然的力量,为了追求真理而奋勇向前,挑战自己。

    More importantly , they set out to test themselves against the forces of nature and the pursue of knowledge .

  10. 未来是美好的,澳特斯人将与您携手共进、奋勇向前,共同迎接美好的明天。

    The future is bright , Australia Matutes will join hands with you , and further , to meet a better tomorrow .

  11. 两军相交,各拿兵器奋勇向前冲锋陷阵而不惧刀剑者,这就是武士们的勇气。

    Warrior 's courage is that he is fearless to knife and sword , rushing forward when facing enemy in the battle .

  12. 你一直都知道是你自己让你置身于此,并且因为期待着一个幸福的结局而让你一直奋勇向前。

    You always knew what you were letting yourselves in for , and the promise of a happy ending has kept you going .

  13. 人生中,我们需要一些对手推自己“下河”让自己无论路遇多少艰难竞争,也会奋勇向前。

    In our lives , we need some rivals to " push us into the river , " leaving us striving ahead in all difficulties and competitions .

  14. 如果你相信自己的愿景,那必须坚守信念,奋勇向前,否则最终必会损害自己的公信力。

    If you believe in your vision , you need to fight the good fight because , if you dont , that will ultimately erode your credibility .

  15. 我们任何人都不会忘记今天,但是,我们将奋勇向前,捍卫自由和我们世界中的一切美好和正义的东西。

    None of us will ever forget this day , yet we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world .

  16. 但即便是每一分都是异常紧张,费德勒和罗迪克继续比赛,奋勇向前,轰出一记又一记好球。

    But even with the unnatural tension hanging on every point , Federer and Roddick played on , moving forward , making massive shot after massive shot .

  17. 我们万众一心,喷涌的慷慨和同情昭示我们在危机时刻,我们美国人民就会团结得如同一个人一样奋勇向前。

    We were united , and the outpouring of generosity and compassion reminded us that in times of challenge , we Americans move forward together , as one people .

  18. 在这个隆重的纪念日到来之际,让我们铭记我们失去的生命,让我们重申他们坚持的价值观,让我们的国家和人民继续奋勇向前。

    On this solemn anniversary , lets remember those we lost , let us reaffirm the values they stood for , and let us keep moving forward as one nation and one people .

  19. 跨性别学生们指出,他们做的正是这些学院所鼓励的:打破性别藩篱,实现内心深处的愿望,不顾社会羁绊而奋勇向前。

    Trans students point out that they 're doing exactly what these schools encourage : breaking gender barriers , fulfilling their deepest yearnings and forging ahead even when society tries to hold them back .

  20. 但是我有一个信念,就是事不避难、勇于担当、奋勇向前。

    But I have a firm belief that we should never shy away from difficult decisions , and that we should always have the courage to meet the difficulties head on and press forward .

  21. 那时军队有一种新气象,官兵之间和军民之间大体上是团结的,奋勇向前的革命精神充满了军队。

    A fresh spirit prevailed among these forces ; on the whole there was unity between officers and men and between the army and the people , and the army was filled with a revolutionary militancy .

  22. 20世纪中国最早的理工科期刊纪念《理工》创刊100周年继往开来奋勇向前祝贺《激光与红外》创刊20周年

    The Earliest Periodical of Science and Engineering of China in 20th Century & Commemoration for the Hundredth Anniversary of the Start Publication of Ligong ; Carry Forward the Editorial Work and Forge Ahead into the Future

  23. 人们本来并不是好死厌生的。只是由于号令严明,法制周详,才能使他们奋勇向前。

    People do not take pleasure in dying , nor do they hate life , but if the commands and orders are clear , and the laws and regulations carefully detailed , you can make them advance .

  24. 在世界的舞台上,尽管关注团体施加的压力日增,而中美两国之间仍然存在一些分歧,贵国仍奋勇跨步向前,为两国的策略性伙伴开系奠下基石。

    On the world stage , despite mounting interest group pressures and the on-going differences between China and the us , you have courageously stepped forward to lay the foundation for a strategic partnership between the two countries .