
  1. 而本论文的研究对象&中国时政新闻周刊,也正面临着同样的问题,在摸索着前进。

    The Chinese news-periodicals which my thesis talked about face the same question .

  2. 同时,在全球化的大环境中,研究中国时政期刊最需要顶住的来自于外刊和网络的挑战,并总结出中国时政期刊在已经愈演愈烈的竞争中继续发展的途径。

    At the same time , under the surroundings of entering WTO , it studies the challenges from the foreign media and net , and concludes the prosperity methods of current affair periodicals in China .

  3. 中国早期时政期刊新闻信息的形式发展

    Development of news information forms in Chinese magazines of topicality in early time

  4. 随着全球化的到来,中国的时政期刊的竞争越来越激烈。

    With the forthcoming globalization , the competition of current affair periodicals in China is becoming warmer .

  5. 月令&中国古代的时政思想

    Monthly Order & Ancient Chinese Concept of Governance by Timing

  6. 近十年来,中国政治发展研究的核心问题集中在中国政治发展理论框架的构建、中国政治发展一些重大问题的宏观探讨和中国政治发展时政热点的分析上。

    In recent 10 years , the kernel problem of researches of political development in China focuses on the construction of theory frame of Chinese political development , microscopic discussion of some important problems of Chinese political development and analysis of issues of Chinese political development .