
  • 网络red wheat
  1. 图像分析测定红麦硬度方法的研究

    Quantitative determination of hardness by image analysis for red wheat

  2. 本研究针对40种红麦,测定了其抗粉碎硬度指数,以此表示其硬度;

    The pulverizing resistance index ( pri ) of 40 kinds of red wheat were determined as hardess index .

  3. 茶淀红麦耐盐基因的RFLP分子标记

    RFLP Molecular Marker of Salinity Tolerance Gene in Wheat Germplasm Chadian Red

  4. 从红麦麸皮提取糊粉层、微研磨和配制高蛋白面粉的方法。

    Methods for extracting protein aleurone layer from red wheat bran , micro milling and preparation of high protein flour .

  5. 通过现代仪器分析方法,检测了红须麦雌花原料及其浸提液中微量无机元素及痕量有毒元素的含量。

    The elements contents of Maize Tassel and its maceration extract were determined through using methods of modern instrument analysis in this paper .

  6. 在防雨棚内的盆栽实验条件下,研究了4种梯度的10种水分组合对红芒麦和宁春10号产量及耗水量等的影响。

    The effect of 10 soil water treatments on water consumption and yield in spring wheat had been studied in pot culture with rainproof shelter .

  7. 在小麦抽穗期到乳熟期红体色麦长管蚜个体比例随着田间条件的改变逐代升高(分别由第1代的17.55%和14.70%增至第2代的29.80%和42.2%)。

    From the heading period to the milk maturation of wheat , the percentage of red M. avenae grew with the change of the field conditions ( increasing from 17.55 % and 14.70 % of the first generation to 29.80 % and 42.2 % of the second generation respectively ) .