
  • 网络Distribution reinforcement;distributing bar
  1. 着重研究了跨高比、分布筋配筋方式和分布筋配筋率对斜截面受剪承载力的影响。

    The effects of span-depth ratio distributing reinforcement mode and its ratio on shear strength are studied .

  2. 板分布筋,除结构图中注明外,均为1316@200。

    All the distribution bars of the plate other than those marked in the structural drawing shall be1316 @ 200 .

  3. 文中还探讨了边框柱主筋配筋量与强度和变形性能的关系,及其对墙竖向分布筋参与工作范围的影响。

    The construction detail for enhancing strength and improving inelastic energy dissipation behavior of reinforced concrete framed shear wall until flexural failure are also discussed .

  4. 本文通过分析墙的配筋率变化和端筋、分布筋的比值讨论对延性的影响。

    This paper discusses the effect of ductility within limit on the variation of percentage of reinforcement and the proportion of steel bars between side of the wall and distribution in the wall .

  5. 结果表明,冷轧带肋钢筋焊接网剪力墙具有较大的延性和变形能力,为冷轧带肋钢筋焊接网作为剪力墙分布筋的推广应用提供了试验依据。

    The research indicates that shear walls have better ductility and deformation capacity , and experimental basis for shear walls with cold - rolled ribbed welded steel fabrics as the distributed reinforcements is obtained .

  6. 介绍了板上层构造负筋的折弯长度、板上层构造负筋的根数以及板上层构造负筋的分布筋长度的计算公式及计算方法,对工程技术人员有一定的参考价值。

    This paper introduces the bending length of upper structural negative reinforcement of slab as well as the calculation formula and method for length calculation of distribution tendons , which has a certain reference value for technicians .

  7. 在冷轧带肋钢筋应用情况研究基础上,通过11个剪力墙试件的拟静力试验研究,探讨了将冷轧带肋钢筋用作混凝土剪力墙分布筋的可行性。

    Based on the application of cold-rolled ribbed reinforcement , the feasibility of using cold-rolled ribbed steel in concrete shear wall is investigated by conducting 11 experiments on the seismic behavior of cold-rolled ribbed reinforced concrete shear wall .

  8. 钢筋混凝土梁裂缝分布受配筋影响的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Crack Distribution of Reinforced Concrete Beams Influenced by Reinforcement

  9. 梁跨内纵筋严重锈蚀会改变裂缝的分布,纵筋严重锈蚀区域内的荷载引起的裂缝数量有所减少,裂缝间距加大;

    The severe corrosion of longitudinal bars in the midspan may vary the distribution of cracks in that the umber of cracks within the area of severe reinforcement corrosion decreases together with the increase in the crack spacing .

  10. 采用能够完全满足模型相似律的离心模型试验方法,基于整体刚性面板加筋土挡墙结构,研究加筋风积沙挡墙的变形、加筋材料的应变分布等加筋风积沙挡墙的工作机理。

    Centrifuge modeling test method satisfying with modeling similar law thoroughly was used . Based on reinforced soil retaining wall structure of whole rigid panel , deformation of reinforced aeolian sand retaining wall , strain distribution of geosynthetics and working mechanism of reinforced aeolian sand retaining wall were researched .

  11. 将离心模拟技术应用于三峡工程库区巫山县高度为57m超高加筋土挡墙研究中,对加筋土挡墙墙背土压力分布规律和拉筋的拉力分布规律进行系统研究。

    Centrifuge modeling test is made to study the support mechanism of reinforced earth wall with the height of 57 m at Wushan county in the reservoir area of Three Gorges Project .

  12. 裂纹表面作用分布力的加筋板应力强度因子

    The stress intensity factor of a finite internally cracked stiffened plate with load on a crack surface

  13. 喷吹过程中,喷枪径向温度梯度较大,周向温度分布随距加强筋距离的增大而逐渐升高;

    When the lance is under injecting condition , temperature gradient in radial direction is large and in circumference direction , the temperature rise gradually with the distance from ribs ;

  14. 通过对比有限元计算结果和试验数据,分析得出塑料土工格栅筋材的最大动拉应力的分布与静拉应力的分布沿筋材的埋深大致相同,只是应力的值大小不同;

    Compared the results of FEA and the data of experiment , we can analyse that the distributing of the seismic stress of Polymer-Geogrid Reinforced material is similar to that of the static stress , but the stress values of them is different ;