
  • 网络infinite vitality;Vigorous Life
  1. 红红的太阳,照在大地上,给各种生命带来无限生机。

    The red sun , while shining on earth , brings infinite vitality to every life .

  2. 2008年北京奥运会为我国体育事业的发展带来无限生机。

    Beijing Olympic Game in 2008 brings infinite vitality for the development of the sport cause of our country .

  3. 中国农村地区幅员辽阔,蕴藏着无限生机,理应成为主流社会的不可缺少的组成部分。

    The countryside of china is an indispensable part to the mainstream society .

  4. 信息技术的高速发展为图书馆带来了无限生机。

    The high-speed development of information techniques brings about limitless vitality for library cause .

  5. 中小企业的崛起,为我国经济发展带来了无限生机。

    The thriving of the middle-small enterprises brought enormous vital force for our national economy .

  6. 上海,作为亚洲最具活力的城市,洋溢着无限生机。

    Shanghai , being the most active city in Asia , is animate and energetic .

  7. 缺陷的植入给光子晶格的应用带来了无限生机。

    The defect was embedded into integrity photonic lattices , which it can bring many progresses to it .

  8. 虽然现在已经踏入了秋天,但红专厂里还是充满了无限生机。

    Although it is already early fall , Redtory is still filled up with endless opportunities for lives .

  9. 理解了习俗产权,现代产权理论必然获得无限生机与活力。

    The modern theory of property right will surely get infinite vigor and vitality if customary property right is understood .

  10. 事实初步证明,以信息化带动水文科技现代化将会给水文科学的发展增添无限生机。

    Practices show that the modernization of hydrological science and technology driven by informationization will promote the development of hydrology .

  11. 上海的魅力是立体的。无论是摩天大厦还是串心弄堂。我热爱她无限生机,如同少女。

    I think the charm of Shanghai is from all ways , no matter the mordern buildings or the old houses .

  12. 世界青年举重锦标赛,是年轻一代挑战自我、挑战极限,展示无限生机和活力的舞台。

    Junior World Weightlifting Championships are a good opportunity for youths to challenge themselves , to challenge utmost and to show their vigor .

  13. 21世纪,给种子事业注入无限生机和活力的同时,也给几十年一贯制的国有种子公司的生存与发展带来严重的挑战与冲击。

    The seed enterprise have infinite vitality and vigor for 21st century meanwhile , The stated-owned seed company also confront serious challenge and impact .

  14. 活跃的企业文化引领企业逐步壮大并焕发出无限生机和活力。

    With perfect modern enterprise management system , dynamic corporate culture to grow and to lead the enterprise gradually radiating infinite vigor and vitality .

  15. 新一轮体育课改为学校体育教学带来了无限生机,带来了许多深刻而可喜的变化。

    The new round of PE curriculum reform has brought limitless vitality to PE teaching in schools , as well as many profound and delightful changes .

  16. 而我国住宅产业作为当前经济发展的支柱产业,在国家取消了福利化分房,实行货币化政策以后,焕发了无限生机。

    As a pillar industry of economy development , China 's housing industry is blooming after the monetary policy instead of the welfare policy of housing .

  17. 历史智慧是编辑主体史家意识的最高境界,历史智慧的运用将给新闻出版事业的繁荣与发展带来无限生机和活力。

    The historical intelligence is the highest level of the historian consciousness construction . Its application will bring vigor to the development and prosperity of the press publishing cause .

  18. 本文的理论推导和数值分析能对由取样光栅构成的新型光子学器件在光纤通信中的应用提供参考,为人们梦寐以求进入全光信息时代带来了无限生机和希望。

    The theoretical calculation and numerical analyses in the paper can prefer reference for new type of photonic devices ' ( based on sampled grating ) application in optical fiber communication system .

  19. 以计算机多媒体和网络通信为基础的信息技术,给我们的教育、教学带来了无限生机和巨大挑战,同时也为教育改革提供了有利条件。

    Modern information technology based on multimedia computer and networks brings unlimited vitality and challenges to our instruction and teaching , it also offers favorable factors to the reformation of the instruction ;

  20. 希望借此为设计师在招贴设计的创作中提供理论依托,使传统文化内涵在现代招贴设计乃至现代艺术设计中焕发出无限生机。

    I hope to take this theory in the creation of the poster design for designers relying on traditional culture in the modern poster design as well as modern art and design radiate infinite vitality .

  21. 但随着新时代信息化的到来及人们心理的变化,要想在传承优秀传统的同时发展创新油画,尤其是油画肖像画的表现,就必须以新的姿态展现人们生活中的无限生机与永恒光彩。

    But with the coming of the information age , the change of mass psychology , development and creation in the transmission of oil painting portrait oil painting in particular , a new attitude should be displayed boundless vitality and splendor .

  22. 东北边疆蕴藏着无限生机,大自然也给流放文人提供了丰富的素材,东北地区雄伟、壮阔的山河给予流人巨大的力量,这也是对生命的希望和赞美。

    Northeast frontier contain infinite vitality , nature also provides a rich to exile literati materials , in the northeast region of the grand and magnificent rivers give shed tremendous strength , this is also the hope of life and to praise .

  23. 网络给全世界的人们带来了无限的生机的同时也带来了很多的困扰。

    Internet has brought much trouble as well as infinite benefits for worldwide people .

  24. 新的课程改革为以往沉闷的语文课堂带来了无限的生机与活力。

    New curriculum reform forthe past boring language classroom has brought unlimited vigor and vitality .

  25. 对于热爱生活的人,最破旧的事物往往潜藏着无限的生机。

    For the ones who are passionate about the life , the oldest thing always conceals potential vitality .

  26. 由于信息技术的不断发展,中小学教师利用网络资源开展自主学习,为其教学水平的提高也带来了无限的生机与活力。

    Because of the development of IT ( information technology ), grammar school teachers begin self-regulated learning by using network resource to bring endless vitality for the improvement of teaching level .

  27. 独立纪录片作为我国主流专题电视纪录片的重要补充,是对我国社会方方面面的全方位展示,为我国纪录片的发展增添了无限的生机。

    As an important complement to the mainstream documentary , Chinese independent documentary displays all aspects of our society all-round , which injects infinite vitality into all the Chinese documentary promotes its development .

  28. 随着经济全球化以及计算机科学技术的迅猛发展,电子商务得到了迅速发展,给21世纪人类社会的全方位、高品位发展增添了无限的生机和活力。

    With the development of internationalized economy and the boom of computer science technology , Electronic Commerce obtained the rapid development . It adds unlimited vigor and vitality to the 21st century of the human society .

  29. 成功的影视改编将为文学的发展注入无限的生机与活力,借助影视的双翼,《红楼梦》、中国文学将会得到更加广泛而深入的传播。

    Successful film adaptations are able to bring new vigor and vitality to the development of literature . The Dream of Red Mansions , and Chinese literature at that will get a wider spread with the help of films .

  30. 一方面,近一个世纪来中国城市的变迁在这些作品中有所反映,另一方面,城市也由此在当代文学中恢复其无限的生机与活力。

    On the one hand , the vicissitudes of Chinese cities in the past century are reflected in the works of this sort ; on the other hand , the cities are restored to their infinitive vitality and vigor .