
  1. 大学英语无纸化教学和考试刍议

    On the paperless teaching and test for college English

  2. 《化工原理》无纸化教学

    Paperless Teaching Pattern of Principle of Chemical Engineering

  3. 《化工原理》无纸化教学模式的支撑体系包括硬件系统、课程标准模块和测试模块。

    The support system of paperless teaching pattern of principle of chemical engineering is including hardware system , standard course module and examination module .

  4. 在《化工原理》无纸化教学中教师处于辅导者和促进者的位置,要求教师具有规划和设计《化工原理》无纸化教学过程的能力,具有对整个教学进程进行组织与管理的能力。

    In the paperless teaching process , teachers play the role of helper and promoter . They are requested the capability of programming , designing , organizing and managing the teaching process .

  5. 无纸化考试是远程教学的一个主要趋势。

    The no-paper exam system is a trend for the remote education .