
  • 网络Achievement goal theory
  1. 从成就目标理论看学生学习目标的确立

    On goal-orientation of students from the perspective of achievement goal theory

  2. 国外成就目标理论的新进展及其对教育的启示

    Progress in Achievement Goal Theory and Its Illumination for Educators

  3. 成就目标理论是在20世纪70年代提出的一种动机理论。

    Achievement goal theory was presented in the1970s as a kind of motivation theories .

  4. 成就目标理论是当今成就动机研究的前沿课题。

    The achievement goal theory is now the front topic of achievement motivation research .

  5. 论合作学习与成就目标理论

    Talking about Cooperative Learning and Achievement Goal Theory

  6. 成就目标理论包括成就目标定向和课堂目标结构两方面的内容。

    Achievement goal theory include two aspects that achievement goal orientation and classroom goal structure .

  7. 成就目标理论划分了学习目标和成绩目标。

    Achievement goal theory divides the goals in school into learning goal and performance goal .

  8. 成就目标理论研究者基本一致地认为不同目标定向导致不同行为动机。

    Achievement goal theory researchers agree that the different goal orientation cause different behavior motivation .

  9. 而目前,我国教育对成就目标理论缺乏深入的研究,应用研究也较少。

    However , the researches about achievement goal theory in our country are not enough at present .

  10. 成就目标理论从认知的角度来研究动机的内部关系。

    The theory of achievement researches the internal relation with motivation from the point of view of cognition .

  11. 成就目标理论是心理学领域关于动机问题研究的一个重要的社会认知理论。

    Achievement goal theory which regards to motivation research was an important social cognitive theory in the field of psychology .

  12. 我们对这些趋势进行了分析,且对成就目标理论在学校教育中的应用提出了建议。

    We also analyze these developing trends , and put forward some suggestions on how to practice achievement goal theory in school education .

  13. 在成就目标理论中,研究者使用成就目标定向这一概念,用以标明学生持有的成就目标信念。

    In achievement theory , the concept of achievement goal orientation is used to indicate the achievement goal belief that the students posess .

  14. 随着成就目标理论的发展,关于家庭因素对学生成就目标定向的影响的关注日益增多。

    With the development of achievement goal theory , attention to the effects of family on students ' goal orientations become more and more during these days .

  15. 成就目标理论作为解释成就动机行为的社会认知模式之一,一直受到国内外心理研究的极大重视。

    As one of the social-cognitive model interpreted the achievement motivation behavior , the achievement goal theory was most widely studies among the psychological researches both at home and abroad .

  16. “成就目标理论”常被用来描述促进运动员实现目标的激励行为。该理论也被用在此次对消费者的研究中,以帮助理解“运动型消费者”的行为动机。

    Achievement goal theory , which describes the motivational behavior of sports athletes in achieving their athletic goals , was used in the study to better understand the motivation of sport shoppers .

  17. 动机的社会认知理论包括归因理论、自我效能理论、能力知觉理论及成就目标理论等,而对于成就目标的研究是这一领域中一个非常引人注目的课题。

    The social cognitive theory about motivation consists of attribution theory , self-efficacy theory , perceived ability theory and achievement goals theory , and the study of the achievement goals theory has become a noticeable subject .

  18. 成就目标理论是研究动机的一个重要的社会认知理论,成就目标定向是成就动机研究的前沿课题,是社会认知研究在成就动机研究领域的具体体现。

    Achievement goal theory is a prominent social cognitive theory of motivation . Achievement goal orientation is a advanced problem of achievement goal study , and is an indicator that social cognitive approach applies in achievement motivation study .

  19. 本文着重介绍了目标设置理论、动机系统理论和成就目标理论,剖析了不同学者对目标结构的性质、功能及其作用机制的理论观点。

    In this paper we examined three general goal theories : motivational systems theory of M.Ford , goal setting theory of Locke and Latham , and achievement goal theory . The structure and mechanism of goal directed behaviors were also discussed .

  20. 成就目标理论整合了曾经分离的动机研究和认知研究,是社会认知取向在动机领域中的代表性课题。

    The theory of achievement goal orientation , which integrates the motivation research and the cognition research that were once separate from each other , is now becoming the outstanding representative of social cognitive orientation theory in the field of motivation .

  21. 成就目标理论是成就动机研究的前沿课题,是目标设置的延伸,是个体对参与某一成就任务的目的或原因的知觉,以及个体对目标达成的评价。

    As the frontiers of performance motive research and the extension of goal setting , the theory of performance goal is to figure out the purposes and reasons with which an individual participate a certain task and to evaluate the degree of his fulfillment .

  22. 第二章有关理论的研究回顾国内外关于成功和成功感的几项研究,综述与学习成功感有关的理论及其实践研究,如抱负水平、目标设置、强化理论、归因理论和成就目标理论等。

    Chapter Two : Literature Review . This chapter reviewed several internal and external studies about success or feelings of success and generalized theories and studies that relate to FOAS , such as , level of aspiration , goal setting , reinforcement , attribution and achievement goal theories .

  23. 成就目标定向理论与高职院校体育课程改革

    Achievement goal orientation theory and P.E course reform in vocational schools

  24. 成就目标定向理论研究的回顾与展望

    Retrospect and expectation of research of achievement goal orientation theory

  25. 成就目标定向理论研究进展

    A Review on Research of Achievement Goal Orientation Theory

  26. 成就目标定向理论在足球技能教学过程中有着良好的应用效果。

    Achievement goal orientation theory in football skills teaching process has a good application effect .

  27. 本文以自我决定理论和成就目标定向理论做为研究的理论基础,并对这两种理论进行了阐述。

    The theoretical foundation of this paper is Self-determination Theory and Achievement Goal Orientation Theory , which are also elaborated in the paper .

  28. 成就目标定向理论是目前体育教学领域中一个新的指导性理论,以掌握目标定向为主的个体所具有的素质是与素质教育人才培养目标相吻合的。

    The achievement goal orientation theory helps a person to master goal orientation . It accords with the objectives of quality education and talent cultivation .

  29. 为完善成就目标定向理论及其对它的测量,本研究在对成就目标定向的测量中加入社会目标定向维度;

    In order to perfect achievement goal orientation theory and carry on measurement to it better , the author joins social goal orientation in measurement to achievement goal orientation .

  30. 通过对成就目标定向理论指导下体育教学实验的文献资料综述,为我国当今的体育教学改革提供理论支撑和实际操作的指导。

    By analyzing the documents regarding PE teaching experiments , which is guided by this theory , the authors try to provide a theoretical basis for PE teaching reform and assistance for applicable operation .