
  • 网络Pulse ignition;impulse firing;Electric ignition
  1. 基于脉冲点火弹头平面机动的被动段弹道设计

    Design of Trajectory of the Maneuver of Warhead in a Plane Based on Impulse Firing in the Passive Curve

  2. 建立了微型三电极同轴PPT的实验系统,包括真空系统、PPT脉冲点火充放电系统、放电参数测量系统以及高速录像系统。

    We set up the three electrode coaxial PPT experiment system , It includes vacuum system , PPT discharge system , electric parameters measurement system and the high speed video system .

  3. 采用先进的微电脑控制脉冲点火和火焰监测系统。

    Applying advanced microcomputer control tone lighting and flame monitoring system .

  4. 汞离子推力器用的空心阴极脉冲点火性能

    Hollow cathode for electron bombardment mercury ion thruster pulse ignition characteristics

  5. 冲击发生器脉冲点火及延时装置的改进

    Improvement of Im pulse Generator Pulse Ignition and Delay Device

  6. 给出了航天电脉冲点火器的参数、设计方案和工作原理。

    The parameters , design scheme and operation principle for the aerospace electrical pulse igniter were given .

  7. 对直流点火与脉冲点火进行了比较。

    C ignition voltage and pulse ignition voltage has been made under the same operation condition of the cathode .

  8. 本文开发了一套电容式多脉冲点火系统,实现在发动机一个工作循环内火花塞连续多次点火。

    In this paper , we developed a capacitive multi-pulse ignition system , which can ignite several times in one engine work cycle .

  9. 基于脉冲点火弹头空间机动的被动段弹道设计方法和数值仿真

    The Method of the Trajectory Design and Numerical Stimulation of the Missile Maneuvers in Space Based on the Impulse Firing in the Passive Curve

  10. 介绍了研制中突破的小姿控发动机电脉冲点火器、气/液组合的有效混合、发动机稳态工作时的烧蚀,以及高空真空点火等关键技术。

    The breakthrough in research of electrical pulse igniter for small attitude control engine , effective mixing for the gas and liquid propulsion , ablation during the stable operation of engine , and ignite in vacuum was presented .

  11. 地面热试车和高空模拟热试车的结果表明,电脉冲点火器可实现发动机的可靠点火,采用同轴离心式内混合喷注、铌合金液膜辐射冷却方案的该气氧/煤油发动机真空比冲可达2800N。

    Monte-Carlo simulation on static characteristics of a liquid oxygen / kerosene staged combustion cycle engine The hot firing test on the ground and in simulated vacuum showed that the ignite of the engine could be implemented reliably by the electrical pulse igniter .

  12. 地面和模拟真空环境热试车结果表明,气氧/煤油发动机采用电脉冲点火技术方案可行,地面及高空环境中均能可靠点火。

    The results of the hot firing tests on the ground and in the vacuum cabin showed that it was feasible to adopt the technology of electrical pulse ignition for the GO_2 / kerosene engine , which could realize reliable ignition during the both hot firing tests .

  13. 液体推进剂液雾序列脉冲电点火特性研究

    Study on Properties of Series Pulse Electrical Ignition of Liquid Propellant Spray

  14. 微型脉冲推力器点火瞬变过程特性分析

    Analysis of the Transient Ignition Proccess of Impulsive Microthruster

  15. 颗粒传热增强对微型脉冲推力器点火过程的影响

    Effect of particle heat transfer enhancement on ignition process of miniature impulse thruster

  16. 对点火脉冲、点火角度的检测方法等单元电路工作原理也进行了说明;

    The cell circuits , such as testing methods for ignition pulse and ignition angle are also expounded .

  17. 最后,对双脉冲电子点火系统进行了设计分析,详细介绍了双脉冲电子点火系统中各部分的原理与功能。

    Finally , the double-pulse electronic igniting system is designed , then the principles and functions of its components are presented .

  18. 微型脉冲推力器点火启动过程计算与点火药量选择研究了不同的加热功率沉积剖面对托卡马克反应堆点火启动过程的影响。

    Ignition start-up course calculation and ignition charge mass selection of impulse micro-thruster Start up processes of D T burning in a tokamak reactor for different heating scenarios are studied .

  19. 随后,为了能在实验台上实现可增益的轻核聚变,对于处于强超声场中的高温压缩含DT气泡,我们也探讨了采用飞秒级强脉冲激光快点火的可行性。

    In addition , in order to attain table-top controllable nuclear fusion , we show theoretically that the feasibility for applying femto-second intense laser pulse realizing fast ignition to the pre-compressed hot bubble in an acoustic field .

  20. 对微型脉冲推力器的点火过渡过程的瞬变燃烧特性进行了研究。

    Study of ignition transient characteristic of impulsive microthruster was conducted .

  21. 大气层内动能拦截弹脉冲矢量发动机点火控制算法研究

    Investigation of Ignition Control Algorithm of the Pulse Vector Motors of the Endoatmospheric Kinetic Interceptor

  22. 液体燃料脉冲爆震发动机点火方法研究

    Ignition method for liquid-fueled pulse detonation engine

  23. 建立了含能材料在强瞬态激光脉冲作用下点火的数学物理模型,并进行了数值仿真。

    On the basis of above , a mathematical model of laser ignition was established and numerical simulation conducted .

  24. 文中在旋转弹有控弹道模型的基础上,提出了一种借助于地磁传感器测量,来控制脉冲推力器适时点火的策略。

    Based on the controlled trajectory model of rotating projectile , a strategy is presented on controlling firing time of pulse jet by using of magnetic sensor .

  25. 仿真结果验证了该控制方法的有效性。而后研究了脉冲推力器的点火算法。

    The simulation results proved the validity of this control method . Fourthly , the fire algorithm of pulse thrusters was presented for spinning interceptor missile with aerodynamics and lateral thrust blended .

  26. 选用名厂燃气配件,全自动脉冲式电子点火,大小火力可调节,操作简便。

    With the fuel gas parts from the reliable manufacturer , it is controlled by automatically electronic impulse ignition , and the power can be adjusted at your option , easy to operate .

  27. 在视线坐标系中建立了子弹相对运动方程,根据零效脱靶量的概念,给出了脉冲发动机的点火曲线,并得到发动机正确的推力方向。

    In the line-of-sight coordinate system , the relation motion equation is given and the ignition line of impulse engines is put forward according to the concept of zero effort miss , and the correct thrust orientation is gotten .

  28. 研究表明,脉冲电晕等离子体点火比传统火花塞点火的效率高12倍,且可在燃烧室内瞬间产生多个大尺度放电通道,实现可燃混合气的多源高效点火;

    The research results show that the ignition efficiency of PCD is 12 times more than the spark plug . PCD produces many discharge channels simultaneously which distribute in a large space volume so as to make multiple sites , high efficiency and extensive ignition possible .

  29. 介绍了内燃机点火技术的研究进展,阐述了内燃机脉冲电晕放电点火新技术所涉及的点火能量、点火效率、燃烧时间和相关化学反应等问题。

    The development of ignition technology on the internal combustion engine is outlined in this paper . The ignition energy , efficiency , burning time and main chemical reactions of the pulsed corona discharge ignition ( PCD ) used on internal combustion engine are discussed in detail .

  30. 分析了系列脉冲激光LSD波点火的积累效应以及LSD波的屏蔽效应。

    The accumulation effects of LSDWs ignition and shielding effects of LSD Ws have been analysed .