
  • 网络networking;Network;Network communication;tcp;socket
  1. 文章给出了实现该同步软件系统的总体软件框架结构,整个框架由任务配置、文件变化捕捉、网络通讯等三个模块组成,并按照总体框架及流程给出了每个模块的实现细节。

    The thesis gives the system frame of achieving the file synchronization system . This frame consists of task configuring , capturing and socket communicating .

  2. 计算机、信息和网络通讯技术的飞速发展对财务内部治理产生了革命性的冲击。

    Computers , information technology and networking development have had revolutionary attack at enterprises ' internal financial control .

  3. 综合业务数字网连接实现了计算机网络通讯。

    ISDN connectivity allows computers to communicate over a network .

  4. Internet与网络通讯

    Internet and Network Communication

  5. Internet上的流媒体发布技术成为当前网络通讯领域的研究热点之一。

    Streaming media technology over Internet has become one of the hotspots in the field of network communications .

  6. 基于URL的Java语言网络通讯机制和程序设计

    The Program Design and Communication Mechanism of Network for Java Based on URL

  7. 浅海底拖曳TEM系统的网络通讯研究

    Network Communication Research of Towed TEM System for Shallow Seafloor Detection

  8. JAVA网络通讯方式的探讨

    Discuss JAVA network communication way

  9. 一种基于HLA的多级网络通讯模型的研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of a Multi-level Networks Communication Model Based on HLA

  10. DECnet网络通讯系统的开发

    Development of net communication system using DEC net

  11. 对GPRS网络通讯的协议转换进行了分析。

    The protocol conversion about the net communication between GPRS and Internet was analyzed .

  12. ACE框架在网络通讯软件设计中的应用研究

    Application of ACE Framework in Network Communication Software Design

  13. 影像存档与通讯系统PACS(PictureArchivingandCommunicationSystem)是影像学、数字化图像技术与计算机技术、网络通讯技术结合的融合体。

    PACS ( Picture Archiving and Communication System ) is a combiner of digital image technology , computer technology , and network communication technology .

  14. 用MFC实现煤矿主通风机监测数据的网络通讯

    Network Communication of Monitoring Data for Main-fan in Coal Mine Realized by MFC

  15. 基于TCP/IP的DICOM网络通讯模型实现

    Implementation of a Model of DICOM Network Communication Based on TCP / IP

  16. 文章针对工业CT机床所需要的精密运动控制作了关键技术的分析实现,包括信息的网络通讯、开放式运动控制系统的应用开发。

    For the decision motion control of the CT machine , this paper analyzed the key technology , including the network communication , the application of opening motion control system .

  17. 提出一种利用代理服务器的缓冲区收集信息的方案,并给出系统的设计原理和具体实现方法,该方案能够以较低的代价实现高度的Internet信息共享,降低了网络通讯流量和运行成本;

    A method of collecting information from the cache of proxy server is introduced so that the Internet information can be highly shared in Internet , with the lowest cost and light traffic .

  18. 然而,PLC的发展与计算机技术、半导体技术、控制技术、数字技术以及网络通讯技术等高科技的发展有着紧密的联系。

    However , the development of PLC have close relationship with the computer technology , semiconductor technology , control technology , digital technology and network communication technology etc.

  19. VPN技术是在公共网的基础上建立适合需求的专用网,将其分散在不同地方的网络通讯通过Internet安全地连接起来。

    The VPN technique is based on the Internet and enables to establish private network , and linking together with Internet for the network in different places .

  20. 基于ARM7内核芯片网络通讯设计

    Design of internet communication based on ARM7 kernel chip

  21. 针对SCADAGIS系统网络通讯中的瓶颈,分析了该系统中各种服务对网络性能的要求。

    Some bottlenecks of network communication are shown in SCADA-GIS , the requirement of network performance varying from service to service in SCADA-GIS is analyzed .

  22. 提出并着重阐述了组态系统的概念及其完成的功能,对Windows环境下工控机与多台单独控制器的串口通讯问题、数据库管理以及网络通讯等问题都做了扼要的阐述。

    And the new concept and function of view system , the serial communication among industrial computer and multiple controllers in Windows environment , database management and network applications are also explained .

  23. 基于μC/OS-II的嵌入式系统的网络通讯实现利用嵌入式系统实现BACnet与Internet集成


  24. 本文从软件的总体结构、模块化编程、数据组态、网络通讯与管理策略等方面探讨了DCS仿真软件的开发技术。

    This paper describes the development techniques for DCS simulation software , including its main structure , object-oriented models , data configuration , network communication and management .

  25. 通过对消防报警、接警、调度指挥灭火全过程的分析,提出了基于计算机、网络通讯、GIS等技术的消防调度自动化管理系统体系结构模型。

    By analyzing the whole process of fire alarm , receiving siren , command , dispatch , proposes a architecture model of auto-dispatch management for fire system based on computer network and GIS technology .

  26. 前端机和测试服务器通过实时网络通讯Client/Server方式进行数据传输,测试服务器和客户机通过Browser/Server模式连接。

    Data communication is implemented for the terminal machine and test server through Client / Server mode , the connection for the test server and client machine is implemented by using Browser / Server mode .

  27. 当今VoIP(VoiceOverInternetProtocol)应用已经成为新一代的通信服务业务,可以说是当今世界上发展最快、普及最快的网络通讯技术之一,也是计算机方面研究的热点之一。

    Nowadays , VoIP ( Voice over Internet Protocol ) application is becoming a next-generation communicational service . The research on congestion control of ATM network has great significance in both theory and practice .

  28. 论述如何在基于ARM的嵌入式系统上使用CAN总线实现牵引变电所综合自动化系统的网络通讯功能。

    It is discussed in detail that how to use CAN bus to realize the network communication function of the integrated automation system of railway traction substation in the embedded system based on ARM .

  29. 随着计算机和网络通讯技术的发展,计算机辅助教学CAI(COMPUTERASSISTEDINSTRUCTION)已深入到教育系统中,成为教育变革的重要方面。

    With the development of computer technology and web mechanics of communication , CAI ( Computer Assisted Instruction ) is widely used in education system and it has taken an important part in education reform .

  30. 并且以无线视频监控系统开发的整体框架为线索,着重阐述了视频图像数据的压缩方法、CDMA无线网络通讯以及视频采集终的实现。

    According to the clue of system frame , this paper puts the emphases on methods of image data compressing , CDMA network and the implementing of video capture terminal .