
  1. 亿万富翁、投资大亨沃伦•巴菲特将用最特别的方式和数百万中国人接触:在中国一年一度的网络春节联欢晚会上献唱。

    Billionaire investor Warren Buffett will reach out to millions of Chinese in the most curious of ways : singing for the online version of China 's annual Spring Festival gala .

  2. 北京:亿万富商兼投资大亨股神沃伦巴菲特将以最特别的方式跟广大中国观众见面:他将献唱中国一度一年的网络春节联欢晚会。

    BEIJING - Billionaire investor Warren Buffett will reach out to millions of Chinese in the most curious of ways : singing for the online version of China 's annual Spring Festival gala .