
  • 网络universal postal service;postal general services
  1. 我国邮政普遍服务范围研究

    A Study of the Universal Postal Service Range in Our Country

  2. 邮政普遍服务补偿成本核算方法研究

    Study on the Measurement of Compensation Cost of Universal Postal Service

  3. 推进邮政普遍服务机制的建立和完善。

    To promote the establishment and improvement of universal postal service mechanism ;

  4. 关于中国邮政普遍服务义务与赢利冲突的探究

    On China 's Universal Postal Service Obligations and Profitable to Explore the Conflict

  5. 邮政普遍服务的界定

    A study of universal postal service

  6. 同日,新的《邮政普遍服务》国家标准也与新修订的《邮政法》一起实施。

    Furthermore , the new Universal Postal Service national standard was enacted together with the newly-revised Postal Law on the very same date .

  7. 保障公民通信权,实现邮政普遍服务,是邮政行政立法的使命。

    It is the mission of the administrative legislation of postal service to ensure the citizens ' power of correspondence , realize the universal postal service .

  8. 正是在这次会议后,世界各国开始研究邮政普遍服务问题,并共同认识到在商业化运营下研究普遍服务的重要性。

    After this conference , the various countries started to study the universal service question in the postal service enterprises , and realized the importance to study the universal service under the commercialization operation .

  9. 对于国家向社会提供的邮政普遍服务来说,邮政是重要的社会基础设施,肩负着为国家、社会、人民服务的重大责任。

    The universal postal service that is provide for community by country , it is an important social base postal facilities , which has the big responsibility service for the state , society and people .

  10. 虽然邮政普遍服务的质量在不断提高,但普遍服务带来的亏损却依然是阻碍邮政普遍服务质量提高和邮政企业发展的重要因素。

    Although the quality of universal postal service continues to improve , the loss caused by universal service is still an important factor which hampers the improvement of the quality of universal postal service and the development of the postal enterprises .

  11. 最后从业务结构、网络投资、价格规制、补偿机制、服务质量与水平、法律建设等方便提出一些建议,希望能为今后我国邮政普遍服务规制改革提供一定的参考。

    Finally , propose suggestions from business structure 、 network investment 、 price regulation 、 compensation mechanisms 、 service quality and level and legal construction , I hope this paper will provide certain reference for postal universal service regulation reform in the future .

  12. 邮政在承担普遍服务义务、保障公民的基本通信权利以及促进国民经济和社会发展等方面都发挥着其他行业不可替代的重要作用。

    Post office plays an important role that other industries can not replace in the following aspects : undertaking the obligation of universal service , guaranteeing citizens ' basic communication rights and promoting national economy and social development .

  13. 将邮政合同限定于普遍服务合同,不仅突出了邮政合同的社会服务的特殊性,而且也揭示了邮政的本源。

    Limited the definition range only on universal service , not only stressed the particularity of contract but also relate to the postal origin .

  14. 促进邮政企业不断提高普遍服务质量,分散风险,保障用户权益,从而巩固《邮政法》保障邮政普遍服务之根本。

    To promote universal postal enterprises improve service quality and dispersive risk , protect a user rights , so as to consolidate the postal law being the fundamental guarantee universal postal service .

  15. 新《邮政法》以法律形式第一次确定了邮政普遍服务的概念,明确了建立完善普遍服务机制的重要性。

    New " Postal Law " clearly proposed the concept of postal universal service with legal form and the importance of establish universal service mechanism firstly .

  16. 邮政合同应定义为邮政企业将邮政用户符合普遍服务范围规定的实体邮件从寄件人处寄递到约定收件人处,由邮政用户支付邮政均一资费的合同。

    Postal contract should be defined as a contract that based on universal service that the post office should send a mail from the addresser to the addressee , with the precondition that the addresser defray the uniform postage .

  17. 为充分发挥邮政对经济、文化和社会的促进作用,可适当扩大邮政普遍服务范围;

    The scope of universal postal service should be properly enlarged in order to promote the development of economy , culture and society ;

  18. 通过分析中国邮政业的产业结构及产业政策,从保证履行邮政业的普遍服务义务和开发竞争性业务等方面,提出了适应中国邮政业发展的产业政策。

    The present article is an analysis of the industrial structure and policies of China 's postal industry , and provides some policy suggestions which can ensure China 's postal industry to provide common service and improve its competitiveness .

  19. 对小型包裹递送业务的垄断不会立即对国际企业产生直接影响,但它们将受到其它条款的冲击,这些条款有利于中国邮政,将收紧专营限制,强制征收相关费用,以补贴邮政普遍服务。

    The monopoly on small package deliveries would not have any immediate direct affect on international companies , but they would be hit by other provisions favouring China Post , tightening licensing controls and compulsory payments to subsidise universal postal services .

  20. 邮政业作为公用事业的一部分面临着市场化改革的压力,邮政普遍服务是邮政业引入竞争的难点。

    The postal industry is facing market-based pressure of reform as a part of public utilities , and postal universal service obligation serves is the difficult point of the reform .

  21. 我国邮政行业主要由两部分构成,第一是以公益性为基本特征的邮政普遍服务行业,第二是以竞争性为基本特征的快递行业。

    The whole postal industry in China mainly consists of two different parts , one is universal postal service industry which is characterized in commonweal , and the other is express industry which is characterized in competitiveness .