
  • 网络Mail Group;mailing list
  1. 如果你还没有加入任何一个邮件组,可以考虑去试试。

    If you haven 't joined a mailing list yet , consider doing so .

  2. Mark还着重提到,在你本地的敏捷社区里,可能就有一个(或者两个)邮件组服务于广大敏捷用户。此外,Mark还介绍了一些他加入的跟敏捷无关的邮件组。

    Mark also makes an important note that there is likely a mailing list ( or two !) to support the local Agile user group in your own community , and includes also a few other non-agile groups he follows .

  3. 最近,在AgileUsability邮件组中,成员讨论了各种方法来评价系统的可用性。

    In a recent discussion on the Agile Usability group , members discuss various ways for evaluating system usability .

  4. Mark最近发表了一篇文章,向广大使用或者对敏捷开发有兴趣的人全面地介绍了当前活跃着的敏捷邮件组。

    Mark has recently posted a very comprehensive summary of the mailing lists currently active and available for people involved and interested in agile software development .

  5. 最近在“看板开发”邮件组上有个帖子在问:当在软件项目中采用TPS和“精益”的时候,标准作业能否被实施呢?

    A recent post on the Kanban Development list asked if this concept carries over when TPS and lean are applied to software projects .

  6. 对于Alistair提出的第二个主要干扰,邮件组的成员们都同意:让人同时参与多个项目没法取得好的效果。

    Responding on the second dominant interruption raised by Alistair , members on the mailing group agreed that fractional allocation of people on projects does not work .

  7. 我们的邮件组管理员会很快查看您的请求。

    Our mailinglist manager will view your request soon .

  8. 是的,我想加入季刊订阅邮件组,成为季刊会员。

    Yes , I want to become a member of the mailing list .

  9. 他们建了一个邮件组,讨论项目策划和家务问题。

    There 's an email chain , for planning projects and working out domestic issues .

  10. 在“看板开发”邮件组的讨论中,发帖人的立场是:‘标准作业’的概念在软件开发中不适用。

    On the Kanban Development list , the original poster 's position was that the notion of'standard work'did not apply to software development .

  11. 如欲加入研究坊邮件组,参与学术讨论,请填写个人信息表格并发送请求。

    To join the workshop mailinglist and participate our academic discussion , please fill out the personal information list and send your request .

  12. 这一切你都可以通过各种各样的跟敏捷开发有关的邮件组来实现。

    This is what you can experience by joining one or more of the various mailing list groups that exist related to agile development .

  13. 回到旧金山的家里后,邮件组就成了克莱恩最常去的网络社区,因为他很怀念自己在东海岸的那个隐居地。

    Back home in San Francisco , the email chain is Mr. Klein 's primary online community , as he pines for his East Coast retreat .

  14. 论文分类介绍了网上免费的英文图书情报学专业信息源,包括机构及学术网站、开放获取期刊、学术会议、科研项目网站、博客及邮件组、讨论组等。

    This paper discusses free access to English LIS resources in terms of institution website , open access journals , academic meeting , project , blog , Listserv et al .

  15. 因此,无论是现实空间(如新闻发布会和记者聚会)还是虚拟空间(如邮件组和社交网络)中,外国记者之间的日常沟通都围绕着这些新闻实践展开。

    Thus , interactions among correspondents center on these news practices both in physical space ( news conference and gathering ) and virtual space ( mailing group and social networking website ) .

  16. 为了研究用于日常交流活动的电子邮件的文体特征,本文选择了雅虎网络社区中九个公开的、交流日常生活话题的邮件组,从中随机抽取了30封电子邮件协助完成本文的研究。

    Applying the theories of General Stylistics , the present thesis attempts to analyze email messages exchanged in everyday communication activities from the perspectives of contextual factors and linguistic features with the facilitation of 30 e-mail samples selected randomly from open-access e-mail groups .

  17. 您尚未在“邮件和组目录”首选项中指定任何目录服务器。

    You have not specified any directory servers in your mail groupsdirectory preferences .

  18. 必须指定一个或多个张贴邮件的新闻组。

    You must specify one or more newsgroups to post to .

  19. 某些邮件或新闻组阅读器不能很好地支持此功能

    Does not work well with some mail or newsgroups readers

  20. 创建一封邮件回复新闻组。

    Creates a message to reply to the newsgroup .

  21. 大部分组织都有一个邮件别名以组的形式发送邮件。

    Most organizations have a mail alias that will send to people in a group .

  22. 创建一个新的邮件或新闻组消息

    Create a new mail or newsgroup message

  23. 获取新的邮件或新闻组消息

    Get new mail or newsgroup messages

  24. 此向导将收集设置邮件或新闻组帐户的必需信息。

    This Wizard will collect the information necessary to set up a Mail or Newsgroup account .

  25. 如果您现在就要启动通信器,并准备以后再输入邮件和新闻组信息,则请单击“完成”。

    Click finish if you want to start Communicator and continue entering your mail and newsgroup information later .

  26. 未指定发件人。请在“邮件和新闻组”首选项中填写您的电子邮件地址。

    No sender was specified . Please fill in your email address in the Mail and Newsgroup preferences .

  27. 启用邮件的安全组也可以用于分发邮件,但它们还是安全主体。

    Mail-enabled security groups can be used for distributing messages as well , but they are also security principals .

  28. 此向导程序将帮助您设置所需的“首选项”信息,使您可以发送和接收邮件和新闻组消息。

    This wizard will help you set up Preferences information that is needed so you can send and receive mail and newsgroup messages .

  29. 今后若要编辑这些信息,请使用“编辑”菜单中的“邮件和新闻组”首选项来更改。

    To edit this information in the future , change the preferences for Mail Groups , which are found in the Edit menu .

  30. 如果为电子邮件地址策略配置了上述任何条件,实际上将排除所有已启用邮件的通讯组。

    If you configure any of these conditions for an e-mail address policy , you will in effect be excluding all mail-enabled distribution groups .