
  • 网络postmaster general
  1. 第二次大陆会议于1775年任命富兰克林为第一任邮政总局局长。

    The Second Continental Congress appointed Benjamin Franklin as the first Postmaster General in seventeen seventy-five .

  2. 邮政总局局长帕特里克·多纳霍强调称,制度会随着时代改变,以保证服务更加便利。

    Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe emphasizes the institution is changing with the times to make service more convenient .

  3. 本周,现任邮政总局局长帕特里克·多纳霍(Patrick-Donahoe)向参议院委员会传达了紧急消息。

    This week , current Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe brought an urgent message to a Senate committee .

  4. 比如就在上周,邮政总局局长帕特·多诺霍宣布,他们计划停止周六的邮件派送服务,这一措施每年可节省30亿美元。

    Last week , for example , Postmaster General Pat Donahoe announced plans to stop mail delivery on Saturdays , a move he says could save $ 3 billion annually .