
  1. 陈永康晚粳稻三黑三黄高产栽培经验的初步分析

    Analysis on the high yielding Technique of late rice

  2. 1951年,苏州市一名8岁小学生陈永康帮助警察捉住了一名特务。

    Mao Zedong wrote to honor an 8-year-old boy , Chen Yongkang , who helped police catch a spy in Suzhou , in 1951 .

  3. 从理论上发展了中国著名水稻劳模陈永康的经验,为水稻育种与栽培研究提供了科学根据。

    The above theoretical analysis is a new development of the experiences of Chen Yongkang who was a famous labor model in Chinese rice cultivation and it provides scientific basis for rice breeding and cultivation research .