
  1. 曲云海表示,今年6月,中国新制定的《出境入境管理法》正式出台。

    China passed a new regulation on immigration in June of this year , which formulated principle measures for foreigners to apply for permanent residence in China .

  2. 曲云海当日在华盛顿宣讲调研中国侨务政策法规时表示,目前广大外籍人员、包括外籍华人对中国“绿卡”制度提出很多意见,普遍希望降低中国“绿卡”的申请门槛,扩大“绿卡”发放范围。

    He said a large number of foreigners and Chinese with foreign nationality have offered suggestions concerning the green card system , and hoped to loosen application restrictions .