
  1. 我母亲娘家在爱尔兰,因此姥姥总是给我讲一些太姥爷在爱尔兰的故事。

    My mom 's side of the family is Irish . So my grandma would tell me stories about my great-grandpa who was from Ireland .

  2. 太姥爷想赶它继续走,但是那匹马一动也不动。

    My great grandpa would tell it to trudge on , but it wouldn 't budge

  3. 当然不仅仅是由于太姥爷的经历,母亲也经历过同样的事情。

    But not just because of my great grandpa , but because of my mom as well .

  4. 姥姥告诉我说玛丽姥姥回忆起来的事情还是在她小时候听太姥爷说的了。

    My grandma explained to me what Mary had remembered her father telling her as a kid .

  5. 我总是对那些不同寻常的事情感兴趣,因此我就问她是不是太姥爷遇到过那些奇异的事情。

    I 've always been into paranormal things , so I would always ask her if he had encountered anything out of the ordinary throughout his life .

  6. 那时太姥爷还是个孩子,每天放学后就骑着马穿过农田回家,一边走一边手舞足蹈。

    So anyway , when my great grandpa was a kid he would ride home on a horse , back in Ireland , through the fields from school dances .

  7. 随即太姥爷就感觉到了周围阴森的鬼魂,也听见了女妖的哀哭。玛丽姥姥还记得他说过,听到女妖哭是最倒霉的事情。

    So then my great grandpa would feel the coldness of ghosts and would hear the banshee 's wail , and my Aunt Mary recalled him saying that the banshee 's wail is the worst .