
  • 网络induction lamp;Sensor Light
  1. 如果Kinect感应灯仍然是红色的,请确保您的控制台的软件是最新的。

    If the Kinect sensor light is still red , make sure your console 's software is up to date .

  2. 该文主要介绍了电磁感应灯的工作原理及其特点,以及在绿色照明中的重要作用。

    This article mainly introduced the electromagnetic induction lamp principle of work and its the characteristic , as well as in green illumination vital role .

  3. 定时感应灯通常还没等我走到楼下就熄灭了。

    The timed light always goes out before I can reach the landing .

  4. 感应式背光灯,开启关闭可自由设定;

    Induction backlight , turn off can be set freely ;

  5. 本实用新型在镜柜上安装有感应开关,该感应开关与LED灯相连。

    A mirror cabinet of the utility model is provided with an inductive switch which is connected with an LED lamp .