
  • 网络Postinfection immunity;post infection immunity
  1. 格林-巴利综合征(GBS)一种急性感染后免疫介导的周围神经病变,具有高度可变的临床过程和结果。

    Guillain-Barr é syndrome ( GBS ) is an acute post-infectious immune-mediated peripheral neuropathy with a highly variable clinical course and outcome .

  2. 本研究采用化学发光(CL)法测定雏鸡马立克氏病强毒(vMDV)人工感染后免疫器官淋巴细胞活性氧自由基(AOR)产生水平。

    The level of the active oxygen radical ( AOR ) in lymphocytes of chicks after infection with virulent was determined by using the method of chemi infection with virulent Marek 's disease virus ( vMDV ) .

  3. 急性戊型肝炎病毒感染后免疫状态及转归

    Consequence of acute hepatitis E and change of immune state

  4. 某些特殊的HLA基因型可能影响着HBV感染后机体免疫的强弱,从而影响重型肝炎的发生。

    And the specific genotypes of HLA complex may affect the hosts'immune response after infected with HBV , leading to fatal fulminant hepatitis .

  5. 复方中药对蛋雏鸡感染IBDV后免疫器官的形态学影响

    Effect of Compound Chinese Herbs on the Morphology of Chicken Immune Organ Infected by IBDV

  6. 血凝抑制(HI)实验检测急性期和恢复期血清,评价检测病毒感染后的免疫应答情况。

    The immune response profile following viral infection was analyzed by hemagglutination inhibition ( HI ) test for both acute and convalescent phase sera of the confirmed cases .

  7. 旋毛虫成虫可溶性抗原免疫小鼠攻击感染后的免疫应答

    Immune Responses to Challenge Infection in Mice Immunized with Trichinella spiralis Adult Worm Soluble Antigen

  8. 调节性T细胞也可在控制不同的病原感染后的免疫反应过度或慢性免疫活化。

    Treg have also been shown to control excessive or chronic immune activation after infections with various pathogens .

  9. 重症肺炎患者由于进食差,病毒感染后处于免疫妥协状态(15/34),营养状态不佳,故营养支持治疗对于重症肺炎患者更为重要。

    Because of poor eating and immunocompromise ( 15 / 34 ) after infection by virus , the nutritional status of severe patients are bad , nutritional support treatment for patients with severe pneumonia is more important .

  10. 人体感染HIV后,免疫系统受到严重损害,可发生多种并发症,包括消化、呼吸和神经系统等,临床主要表现为严重的机会性感染和恶性肿瘤。

    With HIV infected , the human immune system are impaired seriously and the body has many kinds of complications , generally in digest 、 respire and never system and so on , with clinically serious opportunistic infection and malignant tumor .

  11. 目的:慢性乙肝是一种严重危害人类健康的传染性疾病,目前尚无理想的治疗方案,研究HBV感染后机体的免疫状态有助于临床治疗及对预后的评价。

    Objective : The chronic hepatitis B is one kind of serious harmful communicable disease to human being . At present we still have no ideal treatment plan , the study on the HBV infection and organism immunity condition is helpful to the clinical treatment and to the prognosis .

  12. 对SPF雏鸡人工感染REV后局部免疫组织盲肠扁桃体和哈德氏腺的IgA、IgG和IgM抗体生成细胞数量动态变化进行了检测。

    This experiment was conducted to study the dynamic changes of lgG , lgM , lgA antibody producing cells in the cecal tonsil and Harderian gland , the local immune tissues from specific free ( SPF ) chickens inoculated with reticuloendotheliosis virus ( REV ) .

  13. 病毒感染机体后的免疫保护机制尚未明确,也无特异性防治方法。

    The mechanism of host immune protection against RSV infection remains unknown .

  14. 感染后保护性免疫仅能持续数月,再感染经常发生。

    Protective immunity against RSV infection after infection only last several months , so that reinfection often occurred .

  15. 目的研究衰老对小鼠感染日本血吸虫后免疫应答的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of ageing on the immune responses against Schistosoma japonicum infection in mice .

  16. 目的探讨致倦库蚊幼虫被大链壶菌感染后可能的免疫防御反应。

    Objective To explore the possible defensive immunity of Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus larvae after being infected by Lagenidium giganteum .

  17. 对血清各类抗体的检测,可反映机体感染旋毛虫后的免疫状态。

    The examination for each class antibodies may indicate the immune condition of host and the immune effect of vaccine after T. spiralis infection .

  18. 弓形虫感染后,细胞免疫起着强有力的抗弓形虫效应,参与细胞免疫的细胞有T淋巴细胞、自然杀伤细胞、巨噬细胞等。

    After infected by Toxoplasma gondii , cells of our bodies play a strong resistance of immune effects to Toxoplasma , such as T lymphocytes , natural killer cells , and macrophages .

  19. 6生理学实验尿素酶试验阳性;放线菌酮耐受试验阴性。7小鼠感染后生存状况免疫正常小鼠接种裂褶菌后,其生活习性无明显改变。

    Conidia absent . 6 Physiology experiments The test of urease reaction was positive ; Cycloheximide tolerance test was negative . 7 The survival state of mice In the normal immune state , the life habits had no obvious change after inoculated with Schizophyllum commune .

  20. 证实,雏鸡感染IBDV后红细胞免疫功能低下,而APS可显著提高其红细胞免疫功能。

    The results suggested that immunological function of chicken erythrocytes decline after infection with IBDV and APS enhances obviously the immunological functions of chicken erythrocytes .

  21. 结论:玫瑰糠疹的发病可能与HHV-7感染后引起的细胞免疫反应有关。

    Conclusion : Cell-mediated immunity reaction after HHV-7 infection may be involved in the pathogenesis of PR.

  22. HPV感染后,根据宿主免疫能力的强弱及治疗情况出现消退、持续或进展为CIN或宫颈癌。

    After HPV infection , according to the strength of the host immune ability and treatment appear fade , continuous or progress for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia ( CIN for short ) or cervical cancer .

  23. 小鼠急性弓形虫感染后细胞介导免疫的研究

    Study of Cell-Mediated Immune in Mice after Acute Toxoplasma Infection

  24. 目的:探讨人体感染肝吸虫后机体免疫功能的状态。

    Objective : To investigate the immunologic function of the patients with clonorchiasis .

  25. 水牛慢性感染肝片吸虫后血液免疫功能指标及激素水平的动态变化

    Dynamic changes of some blood indexes and hormone levels of water buffaloes with chronic F hepatica infection

  26. 猴子感染上寄生虫后,免疫系统高速运转,分泌出更多的粘液来对付寄生虫。

    After infection , the monkeys ' immune systems kicked into high gear , pumping out more mucus than usual to fight the worms .

  27. 败血症性休克常发生在细菌感染后,以机体免疫系统释放出大量的致炎(炎症前)细胞因子为特征。

    Septic shock often follows a bacterial infection , and is characterized by the overwhelming release of pro-inflammatory cytokines by the body 's immune system .

  28. 作为机体第一道防线的免疫因子被极大地加强,多数哺乳动物体内在感染后积极反抗的免疫分子,在蝙蝠体内却被弱化。

    Immune factors that serve as the body 's first responders have been ramped up , while immune molecules that in most mammals turn aggressive at later stages of an infection are damped down in bats .

  29. 而肠病毒持续感染与肠病毒感染后激活自身免疫系统引起自身免疫损伤则可能是DCM的主要发病机制。

    On the contrary , immune injury results from activation of immune systeme by enterovirus persistent infection maybe the main pathogenesis of DCM .

  30. 目的运用日本血吸虫成虫抗原和虫卵抗原检测日本血吸虫先天性感染仔兔攻击感染后的血清特异性IgG、IgM抗体并观察其动态变化,探讨仔兔先天性感染后的体液免疫应答。

    Objective To observe the dynamic of serum antibodies of congenitally infected kittens challenged with Schistosoma japonicum , and to explore the specific humoral immune response of rabbits .