
  • Too Bad;Superbad
  1. 在电影《太坏了》的结尾,有这么一幕:乔纳希尔与迈克尔塞拉相拥入睡。

    One of the last scenes in the movie Superbad features Jonah Hill and Michael Cera cuddling .

  2. 天气太坏了,不能去散步。

    The weather is too bad to go for a walk .

  3. 再对我讲一遍,耐儿,我的记性太坏了。

    Tell me again , nell , my head fails me .

  4. 你把东西全吃光了,你可太坏了。

    It was mean of you to eat all the food .

  5. 这个世界对你们太坏了,孩子们。

    The whole world wounds with you , my chidren .

  6. 我认为资方对你真的太坏了。

    I think you 've had re-ally shittytreatment from management .

  7. 她来例假的时候脾气实在太坏了。

    She is really in bad temper in that time of the month .

  8. 你太坏了,当不了牧师。

    You are too wicked to be a priest .

  9. 他太坏了,总有一天会有恶报。

    He is too wicked not to meet a bad end some day .

  10. 你们疯了么,这太坏了,太糟糕了。

    Are you crazy ? This is bad . very , very bad .

  11. 那么我的消息看起来就不会太坏了。

    So that mine doesn 't seem so bad .

  12. 他对你的影响太坏了。

    He 's a very bad influence on you .

  13. 他真是太坏了,弗雷德!他妻子说。

    ' That 's very bad of him , Fred !' said his wife .

  14. 我对你大声嚷嚷,真对不起,我脾气太坏了。

    I 'm sorry I shouted at you . it 's my infernal temper .

  15. 我把他想的太坏了。

    I thought the worst of him .

  16. 我们太坏了吧?

    Penny : Are we terrible people ?

  17. 小卡,我们是不是太坏了?

    Cam , are we terrible people ?

  18. 和我哥哥们想的太坏了。

    And my brothers so negativeiy .

  19. 你太坏了。

    You are very bad .

  20. 可是到了那儿之后他发现,那儿的天气太坏了。

    When he got to there , he found , however , that the weather was too bad .

  21. 天气太坏了,早知道如此,倒不如呆在家里为好。

    The weather was so bad that we might ( just ) as well have stayed at home .

  22. 这就对了我太坏了所以我自投罗网把自己送进了这个地狱

    That 's right , I 'm so bad , I got myself thrown into this heckhole on purpose !

  23. 她太坏了,所以死了倒是件好事,否则她最后会被关进监狱或处以绞刑的。

    She was so bad it was lucky she died , or she would have ended up in prison , or hung .

  24. 我噎着气又笑了:“芳姊,不要把我说得太坏了呀!”

    Restraining my anger , I laughed and said : " sister fang , do n 't make me out to be that bad !"

  25. 如:你去也好。天气太坏了,早知道如此,倒不如呆在家里为好。

    You may as well go 、 The weather was so bad that we might ( just ) as well have stayed at home . -

  26. 就职于北京一家贸易公司的杜春华(音)说,所有的中国人都应该感到愤慨,那些人想破坏如此平和的一项活动,太坏了。

    ' Chinese people should all be indignant , 'said Du Chunhua , who works for a trading company in the Chinese capital . 'I think it 's really bad that they are trying to ruin such a peaceful event . '

  27. 原来里科是因为太在意坏心情了,好心情都被忽略了。应用程序只是帮他发现并珍惜生活中美好的一面。

    It turns out that he was simply focusing more on the bad days , and ignoring the good days . The mood app helped him see and value the brighter side of life .

  28. 参加派对吃得太多,吃坏了肚子

    Got sick from eating too much at a party

  29. 油太重了会坏了汤的味道。

    Too much oil spoils the soup .

  30. 可惜今天司机运气实在太坏,还开了没一半路呢,又遇上了塞车&一辆运满了煤炭的大货车后轮陷在淤泥里,抛锚了!

    What a bad luck day it was for the driver because we got into a traffic jam before we were half way to Dafang – a large goods vehicle fully loaded of coal had its rear wheels trapped by mud !