
  • 网络Battlestar Galactica;BSG
  1. 人们现在才发现,这个部门时至今日还在靠回形针和橡皮筋工作,而高频交易员们使用的电脑则排成了行,足以使《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》(BattlestarGalactica)里的首席武器官垂涎三尺。

    This is the part that , as people are only now finding out , is held together by paper clips and rubber bands , while the high frequency traders run computer arrays that would make the chief weapons officer of Battlestar Galactica drool .

  2. 我就进了太空堡垒卡拉狄加展区。

    I may have drifted into the Battlestar Galactica session .

  3. 在原版的《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》,他就是主演。

    In the original " Battlestar Galactica ," this was the star .

  4. 他是《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》的主演

    He 's the star of " Battlestar Galactica . "

  5. 最好的战斗机飞行员在目前的电视连续剧太空堡垒卡拉狄加是雪茄吸烟妇女。

    The best fighter pilot in the current television series Battlestar Galactica is a cigar-smoking woman .

  6. 几乎所有电视界的评论都有说,《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》是最棒的剧情片。

    Just about every single critic has , at some point , called Battlestar Galactica one of the best dramas on television .

  7. 在太空堡垒卡拉狄加正在努力寻找新家的时候,赛隆人不断出现追捕人类。

    As the Battlestar Galactica continues its exhausting search for a new home , their Cylon pursuers hunt them at every turn .

  8. 随著三个新扩展选项添加到您的游戏里,《撤离》将会给您再次体验太空堡垒卡拉狄加猖獗。

    With three new options to add to your game , Exodus is a great way to expand on the accusations and mistrust that run rampant in Battlestar Galactica .