
  • 网络Simple happiness
  1. 生活,就是由这样一个个细微的镜头,拼凑而成,然后在回忆里重复播放,最后那些曾经的简单幸福在我们的念念不忘中渐行渐远。

    Life is a minor by such a lens , a patchwork of memories and then repeat the play , the last of the simple happiness of those who have obsession in our distanced themselves .

  2. 我们成年人似乎失去了能力,享受简单的幸福。

    We adults seem to lose the capacity to enjoy simple happiness .

  3. 询问他人生活目标,答案总很简单&幸福生活。

    Ask most people what they want out of life .

  4. 过平凡的生活,有简单的幸福。

    The ordinary life has its happiness that is simple .

  5. 人这一生,简单却幸福着!

    Human life , a simple but happy !

  6. 在冬天珍藏那份属于我的简单的幸福。

    I am storing away in the season of winter that simple happiness of mine .

  7. 记著这些简单的幸福指引。

    Remember these simple guidelines for happiness .

  8. 我的信息很简单,幸福的可贵之处在于你的生活丰富多彩,与众不同。

    My message is simple & Happiness lies in that sacred place where you create the diversity that makes your life yours .

  9. 4年前,王进入了公众的视线,人们也开始思考为什么他的简单并且幸福生活是如此的与众不同。

    After all , four years ago , Wong was launched into the public eye and forced to contemplate why his simple , happy life was such an anomaly .

  10. 第二部分是对幸福及幸福观概念进行解析,并简单介绍幸福与快乐、幸福与需要、幸福感与幸福观的关系。

    The second part analyses the notion of happiness and concept of happiness , and briefly introduces the relationship between happy and happiness , happiness and need , sense of happiness and concept of happiness .

  11. 记住下面简单易行的幸福五大原则:1。心中无恨;

    Remember these simple guidelines for happiness : 1.Free your heart from hate ; 2 .

  12. 我在深圳工作、生活过的很简单但是很幸福并拥有一个幸福的家庭!

    My job in Shenzhen , lived a very simple but very happy and have a happy family !

  13. 一点小事就可以很简单地增加幸福感,比如发现一件你喜欢的新事物,或者恋爱就可以了。

    Few things add happiness so simply as finding a new thing you enjoy or may even love does .

  14. 道理很简单,因为幸福是心灵的状态,它属于精神的范畴;

    The reason behind this is simple : happiness is a state of our soul that belongs to the sphere of spirit .

  15. 近日,中央电视台记者将镜头和麦克风对准了路上的行人,采访的问题很简单:你幸福吗?

    Recently , CCTV journalists have approached pedestrians with their cameras , held a microphone to their mouth and asked a simple question : Are you happy ?

  16. 总是处在生死无助的边缘,才会有极度渴望,为何不坚强的活着,其实是幸福是很简单的,幸福是很容易争取的。

    Is always in the edge of life and death of helpless , can there be desperate , why not alive and strong , in fact , happiness is very simple , well-being is very easy to fight for it .

  17. 两个人合作,以幸福,我只是想简单的快乐,幸福永远不会熄灭!

    Two people together in order to happiness , I just want the simple happiness , happiness is never extinguished !

  18. 近日,中央电视台记者将镜头和麦克风对准了路上的行人,采访的问题很简单:“你幸福吗?”

    Recently , CCTV journalists have approached pedestrians with their cameras , held a microphone to their mouth and asked a simple question : " Are you happy ? "

  19. 生活简单就迷人,人心简单就幸福;

    Simple life is attractive , exciting simple happiness ;

  20. 我是个简单的人,想要追求简单的快乐和幸福。

    I am simple and looking for the simple happiness .