
  1. 新年的钟声提前为你敲响,HAPPYNEWYEAR!

    The New Year bell tolled , for you in advance HAPPYNEWYEAR !

  2. 新年的钟声响起,我唱起欢乐的歌;

    The bell of the New Year stricks and I sing a happy song ;

  3. 新年的钟声就要敲响,2010年的帷幕即将拉开。

    The New Year 's bell is about to ring , and2010 will soon begin .

  4. 新年的钟声悠然响起,飘送着我的祝福,萦绕在您的身边。

    The New Year bell rang , and with all my wishes , in your side .

  5. 新年的钟声即将敲响,让我们满怀信心和期待,一同迎接2019年的到来。

    As we ring in the New Year , let 's embrace 2019 with confidence and anticipation .

  6. 成千上万的人在新年的钟声即将敲响之际开始倒计时。

    Thousands of people start to count down when the new year 's clock is about to ring .

  7. 当新年的钟声敲响的时候,听,那一声声清脆的钟声是我为你送上的祝福。

    When the bell of New Year rings , please listen , that clear ringings are my blessings to you .

  8. 愿新年的钟声,敲响你心中快乐的音符,幸运与平安,如春天的脚步紧紧相随!

    May the New Year bell , ringing in your notes , luck and peace , such as the steps of spring tightly too !

  9. 生活并不因我们在墙上挂上了新日历或者时钟在午夜敲响新年的钟声而改变。

    Life does not change when we hang a new calendar on the wall or when the clock strikes midnight and a New Year begins .

  10. 女士们,先生们,同志们,车友们:新年的钟声将敲响,我们即将开始一个全新的在2010年。

    Ladies and gentlemen , comrades , car faithful : New Year 's bell will ring , we are about to start a brand new in2010 .

  11. 你我相拥倾听新年的钟声犹如年轮的呼吸,簇拥着我们共同的梦,满心的爱意化作真挚的祝福!

    You hug me listen to the New Year bell rings like the breath , surrounded by our common dream , full of love into sincere blessings !

  12. 这样,当新年的钟声响起,你就可以优哉游哉地准备开始接手新的任务啦。

    Then , when the new year rolls around , you 'll be way ahead of the game - and ready to tackle a new set of resolutions .

  13. 在这个充满喜悦的日子里,在长久的离别后,愿新年的钟声代给你一份宁静和喜悦,和新年的祝福。

    In this joyful day , in the long-term separation after the bell on behalf of the New Year would like to give you a happy and quiet , and New Year 's blessing .

  14. 新年的钟声敲响后,我们进入了人生的第十七个年头,原以为向你的距离拉近了一点,却不知这是你便陌生的开始。

    After the New Year bell chimed in life , we enter the year , thought the17th one close to you a little bit , but I don 't know this is you will strange begin .