
  • 网络freshman
  1. 壁报制作、投影片与实地示范,组成服务性性学习新鲜人研讨会。

    The posters , slides and demonstrations below were made as part of a service learning freshman seminar .

  2. 嗯,我们学校的电脑选课常常这样。它是旧生先选,但你是新鲜人。

    Edward : Well , that happens sometimes with our school 's computer registration . It 's based on seniority , and you 're only a freshman .

  3. 材料和方法:22具新鲜人腰椎体标本行HRCT扫描,测量松质骨不同定域CT值百分比。

    Materials and Methods : The relative percentage of various thresholds of CT value in cancellus of 22 samples of human vertebral body were measured with HRCT .

  4. 结论本研究首次将LCM技术应用于噬菌体表面呈现肽库的筛选,可以使我们直接在新鲜人肿瘤组织中筛选与特定细胞群甚至单个细胞亲合的短肽;

    Conclusions Application of LCM makes it possible to screen phage display peptide library directly from fresh human tissue .

  5. 应用同位素放射自显影检测新鲜人宫颈癌组织在各刺激因素存在时的3H-TdR掺入水平。

    The level of ~ ( 3 ) H-TdR incorporation into the fresh human cervical cancer tissues in the presence of various stimulators was evaluated by autoradiography ( ARG ) .

  6. 在新鲜人血清37℃孵育0.5h、2h、4h和6h,用纸层析法测定血清稳定性。

    99mTc-ODN-FA were incubated with fresh human serum at 37 ℃ for 0 . 5 , 2 , 4 and 6h , then measured the stability in serum by paper chromatography ( PC ) .

  7. 目的:本研究通过Micro-CT扫描新鲜人的颞骨标本,获取不包括耳廓,完整外耳道、中耳、内耳结构的断层图片数据。

    Aim : In this research , a fresh temporal bone specimen of human and Micro-Computer Tomography was used and a whole set of the tomography of the human ear was obtained except the auricle .

  8. 方法将30例新鲜人结直肠癌组织制成单细胞悬液,分别培养于Met-Hcy+和Met+Hcy-并加入5鄄FU、DDP化疗药物的培养液中,用MTT比色法检测各组细胞的抑制程度。

    Methods Thirty samples of fresh colorectal cancer were processed to single cell suspensions and cultured in Met-Hcy + or Met + Hcy-medium , 5-FU and DDP were then added . The inhibition rate of tumor cells in different culture media was examined by microcytotoxicity ( MTT ) assay .

  9. 分别测定99mTc-EC-ODN在室温和与新鲜人血清37℃孵育后放射化学纯度的变化了解其稳定性。

    The radiochemical purity of 99mTc-EC-ODN at ambient temperature and incubated in fresh human serum at 37 ℃ was determined for research on its stability .

  10. 方法:在6具新鲜人尸体颈椎标本上,行颈前路环锯减压后,分别植入BCFC和自体髂骨,测试植入物的最大拔出阻力。

    METHODS : BCFC and iliac crest bone were implanted into specimens of cervical vertebra in six fresh human corpses , respectively after anterior cervical decompression with trephine , and the largest pullout resistance of the implants was tested .

  11. 新鲜人羊膜移植在结膜囊形成术中的应用

    A clinical application of fresh amniotic membrane transplantation for stenosis of cul-desac

  12. 取16周龄新鲜人胚脑组织。

    Brain tissues removed from sixteen-week-old embryos were studied .

  13. 方法以新鲜人尸体颅骨为实验模型,划分37个测点。

    Methods On the human skull thirty seven testing points were plotted out .

  14. 方法新鲜人脐静脉内皮细胞体外培养,免疫组织化学鉴定;

    Methods Human umbilical vein endothelial cells ( HUVECs ) were cultured in vitro .

  15. 我们是网站中的新鲜人,正在以最快的速度不断地开发新功能。

    We are a new site , developing new features as fast as we can .

  16. 结果:①从胚龄16周的新鲜人胚脑中成功分离出神经干细胞。

    RESULTS : ① Neural stem cells were isolated from fresh 16-week-old embryo brain successfully .

  17. 目的:探讨保存及新鲜人羊膜移植在翼状胬肉治疗中的作用。

    Objective : To discuss the effect of preserved and new human amnion applied to pterygium .

  18. 材料及方法:收集意外流产、受精龄为3个月内的新鲜人胚。

    Materials and Methods : Collect the fresh human embryo of three month created by accidental abortion .

  19. 九千三百七十五名申请者中,共有二千九百一十三人将在今年四月成为这所日本名校的新鲜人。

    A total of2,913 people out of9,375 applicants become freshmen at the nation 's prestigious university in April .

  20. 结论新鲜人羊膜移植治疗早期眼部热烧伤是一种有效的方法。

    Conclusions Fresh human amniotic membrane transplantation is an effective method or , treating ocular thermal buring at early stage .

  21. 本文对新鲜人颅骨结构的静力和动力特性分别进行了有限元分析和测试。

    The static and dynamic character for fresh human skull structure is made by the finite element method and experimentation .

  22. 研究新鲜人羊膜的变应原性及其致敏后发生I型超敏反应的可能性。

    To investigate whether human amniotic membrane ( HAM ) preparations have the possibility to type I hypersensitivity and its allergenicity .

  23. 取新鲜人喉标本,对环杓后肌进行纵切片,应用银浸法研究其运动神经终末的形态特点。

    The fresh posterior crico-arytenoid muscle of human larynx is taken in the research to find the morphological features of motor end-plates .

  24. 取12周左右的流产新鲜人胚胎(产妇知情同意)用于嗅鞘细胞的培养纯化。

    Fresh 12-week aborted human embryo was used for culture and purification of human OECs ( Informed consent was obtained from the parturient ) .

  25. 方法取新鲜人尸体髂骨,用20%过氧化氢和90%的乙醚脱去其细胞成分,制成需要的骨块。

    Methods The pelvic bones from newly certified donors were sterilized and made acellular bone with 20 % hydrogen peroxide and 90 % ether .

  26. 目的探讨新鲜人羊膜对部队训练致皮肤创伤面的镇痛效果及治疗作用。

    Objective To explore the effect of analgesia and treatment of fresh human amnion membrane for skin repair from wound caused by army training .

  27. 方法采用新鲜人羊膜移植治疗早期眼部铁水烧伤106例(126眼)。

    Methods Performing fresh human amniotic membrane transplantation of 106 patients ( 126 eyes ) with ocular thermal burning by iron water at early stage .

  28. 新鲜人羊膜取自石家庄市第四医院,采取前征得产妇知情同意,实验经医院伦理委员会批准。

    With the puerperant 's permission and the hospital ethical committee 's approval , the fresh human amnion was obtained from the4th Hospital of Shijiazhuang .

  29. 新鲜人硬脑膜的柔度最小,冻干人硬脑膜、新鲜人颅骨膜、硅橡胶膜、涤纶片的柔度依次增大。

    Fresh human dura is the least compliant and then in increasing order are lyophilized human dura , fresh human pericranium , Terylene and silicon membranes .

  30. 目的观察自体角膜缘下细胞移植联合新鲜人羊膜移植治疗急性眼化学烧伤的疗效。

    Objective To study the treatment of acute ocular chemical burns by the transplantation of self limbal stem cell and fresh amniotic membrance transplantation ( AMT ) .